My background

I have Bachelor degree in Computer engineering from twenty years a go. I spent 8 years as software developer/IT-support/Technical Manager roles, most of the work related to developing mobile operating systems. For the last four years I have been teaching coding, electronics repair(mostly mobile phones) and mathematics to jobseekers.
During last year I have been working as projectcordinator in Oulu BusinessAsema at project named RemoteStation. The project idea is to reduce digital skill gap by supporting jobseekers and third sector employers. I have been able to include BusinessAsema's Fablab in my teaching and I'm hoping to increase this by participating to Fab Academy.
Hobbies include among others archery, frisbeegolf and cycling. But most of my freetime nowdays is spend walking/running with our dogs or doing house renovation.
Currently I live in Tampere and come to work in Oulu during weekdays. Other than Finland been living in France, Czech republic, Australia and UK.