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Build & manage your own website with Github+Hexo

This page documented the process of using Github with Hexo to build your own page.

What are GitHub Pages and Hexo

1. GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service provided by GitHub. It fetches HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from a GitHub repository, runs them through a build process, and publishes the site.

  • GitHub Pages is a free web hosting service for static websites, such as personal blogs.
  • You can use tools like Hexo to convert Markdown files into static web pages and upload them to GitHub.
  • Once deployed, people can access your site using GitHub’s subdomain (

2. Hexo

Hexo is a static blog framework built on Node.js that quickly converts Markdown files into HTML and generates a complete website.

  • Hexo allows you to write blog posts in Markdown and generate a static website with a single command.
  • It supports various themes to make your blog visually appealing.
  • With just a few steps, you can write articles locally and publish them online using GitHub Pages.

Steps for build your site

Before start you need to do some environment setups.

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Node.js

Step 1: Create a GitHub Repository

Create a personal repository on GitHub.

Then select public to create a public repo. Next create a new file and test it.

Then deploy your page.

Access the page at to view it.

Step 2: Install Hexo

Create a folder on your computer for your web project and enter it. Then, right-click and open the CMD terminal in it. Then run the following commands to install Hexo:

npm install -g hexo-cli hexo init // Initialize 
hexo g // Generate static files 
hexo s // Start local service and preview

After start local server, you can visit http://localhost:4000/ in a browser.

Step 3: Change Theme

Select a theme from Hexo themes. I chose the simple "quite" theme.

Run this command to download the theme:

git clone

Update _config.yml to reflect the theme.

Then run the command to see the changed theme:

hexo clean 
hexo g 
hexo s

You can visit the quite repo to see how should you edit the content.

Tips: When you want to disable the comment function in this quite theme, you can try edit the themes/quiet/_config.yml file as follow.

  enable: false

Step 4: Configure SSH Key

Open Git Bash in your project folder and set up Git credentials if necessary:

git config --global "YourGitHubUsername" 
git config --global "YourGitHubEmail"

Generate SSH key with:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "YourGitHubEmail"

Copy the content of to GitHub SSH keys page.

Then test SSH setup by running:


Tips: When you have more than one SSH key, create and edit your SSH configuration file so that SSH automatically uses the correct key. Open the ~/.ssh/config file. If the file does not exist, create it:

    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh2/id_rsa

Step 5: Connect Hexo to GitHub

Get HTTPS from github.

In _config.yml, configure deployment:

type: git 
repo: Your HTTPS URL 
branch: main

Install the Git deploy plugin:

npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

Run the following commands to deploy:

hexo clean 
hexo g 
hexo d

Step 6: Solve Image Upload Issues

Create a GitHub repository for images and upload them.

Copy the image URL and use it in markdown as:

Step 7: Publish an Article

Create a new post using:

hexo n "YourArticleTitle"

Edit the markdown file in /source/_posts, then run:

hexo cl 
hexo g 
hexo d