5. Electronics Design

It's been a pretty fun week to me.I had a bit experience with embedded programming,so that I cloud play with the seeduino XIAO rp2040 version which I haven't used before. And I build a cooling install to my prusa enclousure.

Group assignment:

Individual assignment:

Group Assignment

We used the Vitory 270 model to test the pwm image maping with a pointmeter.

The group assignment is documented here.

Individual assignment

Design a development board to interact and communicate with an embedded microcontroller.

I decide to make a expension board for arduino Xiao 2040.And I use eagle to draw it.

Here are the functions I want my board on.

Firstly add the FAB library and XIAO library in Eagel,then I have the compoment I needed.

The Xiao 2040.

Then I needed the female smd headers to plug in xiao easily.

The xiao expension borad from Seeeduino works this way, so that I look through the info form their sites.

It plug like this.

I need 2 line of female headers like this.

My ideal option would be straight ones like this with holds to weild.

Since we should try not cut the board this week I switch to SMD ways. Sth like this.

I have the problem that if the solding point is not the pin holds point without finding a proper library for femmal horizontal pins I shall compose it manually.

So I check all the infomation from Xiao expension borad and the female pin head with 2.54mm gap..

I imported the schematic of Xiao expension board to see how they make it.

And also i check the lirary that FAB-xiao is using.

With the massurmens and then smd female head of form CON-Ista library, I finally compose it this way.

Here is all the expensions that I wanted.

Apply design rules.

Final layout.