Project Management 🧑‍💻

Version Control, Markdown, Mkdocs

For the first week we were assigned to develop a site page where our progress would be documented and viewed by others. There are plenty of ways to write docs, I chose maybe the most convenient one, the Markdown language because it's easy to use, basically you just need to write the text.

First of all, it's essential to have a version control system to track changes. I used git because it's widely used and with most OS is preinstalled.

Additionally, to make life easier I used already existing python package Mkdocs which is a Markdown based site generator.

Tested Mkdocs on Unix based environment.

First I installed Mkdocs via terminal and type

pip install mkdocs

afterwards created test project

mkdocs new my-project

and run on local server

cd my-project

mkdocs serve

to see site browsed to


Initially I cloned repo from server to my local env

git clone repoURL

made changes commited and then pushed back to server

git commit -m "init page"

git push