WEEK 17: Invention, Intellectual Property & Business Models


This week I have to develop a dissemination plan in my final project, I will also prepare a draft slide as a summary and update it as I progress with the project.


Creative Commons (CC) is a U.S. nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding the range of creative works available for others to legally develop and share. The organization has released several copyright licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate what rights they reserve and what rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page rights explanation, with associated visual symbols, explains the details of each Creative Commons license.

Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but build on it. They replace the individual negotiations of specific rights between the copyright owner (licensor) and the licensee, which are necessary in "all rights reserved" copyright management, with "some rights reserved" management that employs standardized licenses for cases of reuse where commercial compensation is not required. sought by the copyright owner. The result is a streamlined, low-cost, low overhead copyright management regime that benefits both copyright owners and licensees.

I have created my own CC license for my work on the Creative Commons website, which allows you to obtain a license by following a few simple steps. This is my Creatice Common license that I would like to apply to my project:

I followed a few simple steps to do it.

The web page provides a code to copy into our project web page, which helps to add the image to our site and inform visitors about it.

Licencia Creative Commons
Module PID Controller Degrees of freedom “Horizontal X” por Pablo Badiola se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Basada en una obra en https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/deusto/students/pablo-badiola/.


  • To share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • To adapt: Remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial.
  • Attribute: you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes were made.
  • You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses the use.

    Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to certain forms of creative work. Some, but not all, jurisdictions require "fixation" of copyrighted works in tangible form. It is often shared among several authors, each of whom owns a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are often referred to as rights holders.

    This is the best known and, unfortunately, the most widely used license. It is represented by ac inside a circle, Copyright Symbol. Normally the only person who can do whatever he likes with his work is the author of the work. That is, the work has an owner and if you want it you have to pay for it and ask permission to use it. But let's take the case that you keep the work of this author or company, because legally you can NOT redistribute it, because the only one authorized to do so is the author of the work, that is, this license only allows you to have the work for personal use.

    For my part I would like to teach you to learn about this project. I do not intend to generate any direct income from the machine created as a final project. Neither through the sale of the original nor through any reproduction of the product. If someone wants to take my project and improve it, adapt it, transform it and share it, no problem. I don't want a copyright license. I would like all FabLabs to have access to it and be able to show it to the students.


    I would like to continue to develop my project and improve it, my goal is that the students learn to understand electronics and use the machines because it is a very complete project where they can learn very well. Perhaps workshops could be held for them to learn the operation and understanding of the project. I would also like all FabLabs to have access to the project to be able to share it with more people.

    I would also like to make an article when I finish the project to be published in the magazine of the engineering faculty of the university.


    As for income, it really doesn't make any sense because of the License.

    Sharing the final project

    The project can be found in the MIT 2023 archives and on the fabacademy.deusto.es websites. The project can be shared, reproduced and adapted under the terms of the License until the licensor is mentioned and notified.


    This is a draft of the summary slide that I want to make when I have finished all the parts of my final project, where all the data of the project is included. It is not the final one, it will be updated as I progress with the final project.

    On the other hand I will create a video as I advance with my project to be able to realize it, where the process of creation and operation of the machine will be seen.

    Draft Video

    Here is an example of a video where I will update as I add more content.

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