18. Project development


what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

I've made the connection between the components, made the app, the arduino sketches to measure the temperature and to turn on and off the heater.

I still don´t test the prototype with the 20 volts battery.

what's working? what's not?

Everything is working fine, the only thing that i should improve is the time consumming of the heater, because if it´s battery operated, it might drain the energy in no time.

what questions need to be resolved?

What will be the source of power for the water heater? Will it be a battery or connected to source, or maybe both.

What is the capacity that the water heater must heat? For a normal "Termo" it´s 1 liter, but there are 0.5, 0.750, 1.5 and 1.7 liters also.

How fast will it heat the whole volume? Right now, it last more than an hour with 12 volts, but i also tested with 20 volts and last almost 35 minutes.

What is the size and weight of the water heater? it is 84 mm x 84 mm x 52 mm and weights almos 200 grams.

How portable is it and how easy is it to set up and transport? it is very portable, it fits in a jacket pocket.

What are the safety features and precautions of the water heater? How will it prevent overheating or electric shocks? it´s very safe to use, it uses low voltage and it need to be operated with your phone, so you don´t have direct contact unless is connected and turned on.

What are the benefits of a portable water heater? For our tradition of "mate drinkers", we are used to drink everywhere and on the move, so, a portable water heater is the obvious choice. We used to have the original SUN, but is already forbiden.

what will happen when?

when i resolve the issue with the battery, to make it last longer i will improve the materials to make it more fabricable.

I think i will make adjusts to the design and make a packaging.

what have you learned?

I´ve learned a lot in electronics, but i think i need to learn more to add and improve more features to my project.