1. Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.


Thinking about what could be my final project I searched after inspiration on youtube, pinterest, thingiverse and co. Below you see the most interesting links I found for my final project.

Useful links My experiences with Git

I wanted to use a GUI / IDE to edit my webpage, because I am not so familiar to use terminal like environments, so I decided to use Visual Studio Code (VSC).

Therefor, I tried to follow the instructions of a former participant of the FabAcademy:


Lana could directly clone her repository in VSC using a link in the middle of the VSC window, but in my version of VSC there was no such link:

After installing Git for VSC on windows (https://git-scm.com/download/win) and getting a github account (https://github.com/) the link appeared:

Spoiler: I did not manage to get it running the way Lana showed on her page, but I found another way – to find this way directly go to the next red text “Alternative method”. Nevertheless, you have to install Git and to make an account on Github.

After following the link "Git-Repository klonen" (engl.: clone Git-Repository), I got an error message:

So I “initialisierte” (engl.: initialized) the Repository:

But again I got an error message:

So I tried “Remoterepository hinzufügen” (engl.: add remote repository), but there was still no repository or a way to pull data:

Alternative method

From here on I describe the method, which worked for me:

On your gitlab account you can go to Clone – Open in your IDE – Visual Studio Code (HTTPS):

In VSC a window appeared and I choose „Zum Arbeitsbereich hinzufügen“ (engl.: "Add to workspace“).

After that, I saw my repository when I clicked of the icon on the left, which looks similar to the USB-symbol. Clicking on the three points next to my name I was able to pull all data from Git to VSC:

If you then click on the icon on the upper left corner looking like two pages you see your repository and your data:

My experiences with HTML

I arranged parts of this website using LibreOffice and saved it as a html document:

Then I opend the html code with the editor and copied and pasted it in the html document on Git. When you save a LibreOffice document as html the images in the document were saved in the same folder as the document. You have to upload these in the git image folder. In the html code from LibreOffice you then have to paste ../images/ in front of all names of the images. Tip: LibreOffice crashed, while I used it and I had to do some work again – so save often. I used LibreOffice to compile html because you do not need any knowlege about html to use it. Here you find a link with a description how to use LibreOffice as a WYSIWYG html editor:


I also tried to use Word instead of LibreOffice. The images were only included in the html document when I used “Website gefiltert” (engl.: “website filtered”) to save the html document. But the resolution of the images was very low, so I tried LibreOffice and this worked much better for me. I plan to try SeaMonkey or/and Phase5 next week. Ordinary, I planned to use Jimdo, but you can´t export html directly from it, so I refrained to use it, but maybe I will try it later, still.

My Problems and Solutions to pull and push new files to Git

Remark: The procedure described below worked for me, but I don't know if it is recommended.

The first time I tried to push changes of my files to Git I was asked for my email and password for https://gitlab.fabcloud.org . All possible login data did not work so I made a new one:

After that I had to configure „user.name“ and „user.email“ in Git:

To do this (on Windows) search for git in the question bar right from the Windows symbol and open Git. A terminal like window appears.

Write the following line with your real name (with the “ “) and press enter.

git config --global user.name "Your Name"

Repeat with this line with your real email address:

git config --global user.email “you@example.com

When I then tried to push I got the error message that the commit message is empty (see on the bottom right).

So I wrote something in the field below “Quellcodeverwaltung” (engl.: Source code management) on the left top.

After that I was able to push changes to Git.

To push you have to save your changes (Data - Save) and click on the commit bar with the hook. Then the commit bar turns into a "Änderungen synchronisieren"-bar (engl.: synchronise changes) and you have to click it again.

Usefull Links: