About Me

Hello! I am Tempa Dorji, an ICT Technician under Royal University of Bhutan,College of Natural Resources. In addition, I have done PreFABLAB Academy Training at College of Natural Resources and now attending Fab Academy 2023. I was born in Trashigang on 2nd March 1996. To Know about the College of Natural Resources, Click here
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(Tempa Dorji)
Previous work
Graduated from Technical Training Institude (TTI),Trashigang Rangjung, Bhutan with National Certificate (NC2) in Computer Harware and Netwoking in the year 2016 and done my on job training at College of Science and Technology for 2 months. I Completed Ten from Dashding High Secondary school in 2014.
Fab Academy
I am currently the ICT Technician of College of Natural Resources, Punakha and responsible for Netwoking and Harware and therfore I am intrested to learn more about FabLab to improve my skills and to implement new ides in our lab.Fabrication Laboratory was new concept for me until I got the Pre-Fab Academy Training in 2022-2023.Since then I had an opportunity to attend fabacademy course. After completion of this course, I look forward to learn how to operate all the machines available in the lab which could enhance my relative skills and knowledge.
Here are some picture on Pre-Fab Acaddemy at CNR