Git Basics that I learned.
This is to show how to get started with git quick
Git is a distributed version control introduced in 2005 and is an powerful open source tool Today we will see how can we install git-cli in our systems.
Please note this is a Mac guide if you want a windows guide please let me know
- Open terminal on the mac
- Type the command “sudo apt install git -y” This will install git on the mac.
- After git installs type command git --help t know more about the commands.
- Open your gitlab account and setup the accounts (This step is the most important part)
After gitlab account setup open terminal create ssh key to get remote access for your local pc by using the command
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “email” -b 4096 -
Copy The SSH Key from the location specified from the terminal use the command
~/.ssh/ (remember to check your file location) - Go to gitlab Click the projects on the upper left dropdown box and Click Your Profile
Click “SSH Keys” tab in the left-hand side of the webpage. You should get a page shown below.
- Paste the key in the box and click “Add Key”
- Verify the linking using the command given below.
ssh -T - Configure Credentials using the commands
git config –global “Username”
git config –global “email” - Open terminal use
cd $filename (to save the repo) -
git clone $ssh_link
The repo should be cloned to the folder given in filename.
Pushing a git repo
After git clone to push the made changes to the repo follow these steps.
- git pull
- git add -all
- git commit -m "message"
- git push
![](./images/git pull.jpg)
![](./images/git add.jpg)
![](./images/git commit7.jpg)
![](./images/git push II.jpg)