How did I develop a website being a beginner

At Fab Academy we are given an assignment to develop a webpage for showcasing our work. Today I will show how to build a webpage and tell you about my experience and problems that I came across while developing my webpage.

glimpse of a landing page

Tools that were used to build the webpages

Languages used to code

glimpse of a webpage
glimpse of a webpage


Tailwindcss is an utlity first framework that is different from other frameworks like Bootstrap,Bulma etc.
To be exact tailwindcss provides cutomizable css blocks to develope a website from from scratch no abstractions or starter templates.
It has a wide range of custom CSS classes that can be used on webpages to provide an eye-candy for user with ease in development.
An image showing different components and custom page creation options in Tailwind. componenet

Tailwind and Tailblocks

If your are thinking that I used a default theme of a framework then I would like to remind you that the themes were designed from scratch with the help of tailwindcss.
The only references that I used as a template was from a site called Tailblocks.
Please click here to visit Tailblocks


My Experiences