At Fab Academy we are given an assignment to develop a webpage for showcasing our work. Today I will show how to build a webpage and tell you about my experience and problems that I came across while developing my webpage.
Tailwindcss is an utlity first framework that is different from other frameworks like Bootstrap,Bulma etc.
To be exact tailwindcss provides cutomizable css blocks to develope a website from from scratch no abstractions or starter templates.
It has a wide range of custom CSS classes that can be used on webpages to provide an eye-candy for user with ease in development.
An image showing different components and custom page creation options in Tailwind.
If your are thinking that I used a default theme of a framework then I would like to remind you that the themes were designed from scratch with the help of tailwindcss.
The only references that I used as a template was from a site called Tailblocks.
Please click here to visit Tailblocks