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Week 17. Aplications and Implications

Applications and Implications (1/2)

This week I organized and documented my final project describing the purpose, components used, the function it fulfills, costs, processes carried out and evaluation criteria.


Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define the scope of a project.
  • Develop a project plan including a bill of materials (BOM).

Learning Outcomes

The BlueConnect Home in a project that allows you to control two lamps and a fan from a cell phone

The BlueConnect Home

This project is easy to use and allows the user in the house to control from a cell phone the turning on and off of two lamps in different rooms of a house up to thirty meters via Bluetooth connection.

With a future projection of implementing housing that integrates different technologies to control security systems, energy systems or communications, among others, to provide greater comfort and efficiency.

What will it do?

In today’s digital age, home automation has become a necessity to improve comfort, energy efficiency and security. This project proposes the development of an automation system that allows users to control two lamps and a fan in a home using a mobile application. The implementation of this system not only offers comfort, but also contributes to energy savings and efficient resource management. Developing a mobile application allows remote control of the on and off of two lamps and a fan in a home. The system is easy to use, reliable and secure, providing users with the ability to manage their home environment efficiently.

Project Benefits:

Convenience and Ease of Use: Allows users to control the lamps and fan without needing to be physically present.

Energy Saving: Users can turn off the lamps and fan when not needed, reducing electricity consumption.

Security: It allows you to simulate the presence in the home by turning the lights on and off, deterring possible intruders.

Flexibility: The ability to program on and off times adds an additional level of customization and convenience.

Who has done what beforehand?

Searching for similar projects in the fab academy I found the following: In previous years, several Fab Academy students worked on what inspired my final project.

Año 2020 | Autor Luis | Web site

In this project I expand my knowledge in the use of the app inventor application

Año 2018 | Autor Kerala | Web site

In this project I got more ideas on how to connect a sensor and control it from an application

Año 2017 | Autor WIM LANZ | Web site

Here I got more ideas about the connectivity between the Arduino program and the mobile application

Año 2017 | Autor Mohammad Al-Matori | Web site

Here more information about block logic in app inventor

What will you design?

What materials and components will be used?

Where will they come from?

How much will they cost?

What parts and systems will be made?

What processes will be used?

What questions need to be answered?

How will it be evaluated?

Last update: July 4, 2024