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Week 10. Mechanical Design, Machine Design

These days it has been an exceptional experience since a machine was built as a group.

Assignments: Mechanical Design

Group assignment:

  • Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application.
  • Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually.
  • Document the group project.

Individual assignment:

  • Document your individual contribution.

Assignments: Machine Design

Group assignment:

  • Actuate and automate your machine.
  • Document the group project.

Individual assignment:

  • Document your individual contribution.

Learning Outcomes

  • Work and communicate effectively as a team.
  • Design, plan and build a machine.
  • Analyse and solve technical problems.
  • Recognise opportunities for improvements in the design.

Results: Mechanical Design + Machine Design

For two weeks, the group mission was to organize, through planning, to answer questions such as WHAT, WHERE, HOW, etc., for the construction of a machine that meets the following conditions that includes mechanism + performance + automation + application. Building mechanical and manually operated parts. For this purpose, the group had meetings first to determine which machine to manufacture and thus begin to shape the final product PachamamaPrint, a machine that produces by printing the maca material native to the central part of our country.


Group Assignment: PachamamaPrint

Individual Assignment: Design and Manufacturing

Maca is one of the Andean tubers that has multiple health benefits due to its high nutritional and medicinal value. And at more than 4,000 meters above sea level. Maca is harvested in the province of Junín, and there are even around 28 varieties of maca, among the best known are black and red maca. The councilor for Junín, Abimael Rojas, stated that maca has originated in the districts that are on the shores of Lake Chinchaycocha. “The provinces of Carhuamayo and Ondores are the largest producers of maca, who continue to maintain the custom since Inca times,” he highlighted.

Nutricional components of maca

Material testing

Biomaterial test in maca

Biomaterial test in banana

Biomaterial test in tocosh

Procedure for preparing the final biomaterial

Last update: April 18, 2024