
Machine Week

Week 10 - Mechanical Design | Machine Design

Mechanical design Group assignment:

  • Design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application
  • Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
  • Document the group project and your individual contribution

Machine design Group assignment:

  • Actuate and automate your machine
  • Document the group project and your individual contribution

Group 1

  • Ronal Vilca
  • Silvana Espinoza
  • Maria Angela Mejia
  • Wilber Giron
  • Renson Samaniego

  • banner
  • Video presentation
  • Group 2

  • Hans Moncca
  • Maryori Vásquez
  • Cristian Loayza
  • Jose Rodriguez

  • Video presentation

    plan management


    Drawing inspiration from our Peruvian heritage and a deep concern for the health of our community, our team embarked on a journey fueled by the vibrant tapestry of our culinary traditions and a desire to address the nutritional challenges faced by many, particularly children, within our country. In Peru, we are blessed with a rich array of indigenous superfoods like maca, yet despite their nutritional potency, their appeal often falls short, especially among younger generations.

    Witnessing firsthand the adverse effects of poor dietary habits on the well-being of our people, particularly the prevalence of health issues among children due to inadequate nutrition, we felt compelled to innovate. Thus, the idea of PachamamaPrint was born— revolutionary superfood 3D printer designed to transform maca,a and potentially other nutritious ingredients, into enticing and visually appealing culinary creations. Our inspiration stemmed from a dual commitment: to celebrate the bounty of our land and to address the pressing need for accessible, nutritious food options that resonate with diverse palates, ultimately fostering a healthier future for our community.

    Material testing


  • The main components of maca are carbohydrates and proteins. Being an excellent source of essential amino acids, iron and calcium. Scientific studies confirm an improvement in sexual desire, mood, memory and learning, as well as energy and physical resistance.

    The results of the chemical composition of the extruded black maca flour were protein 11.62% and ash 4.28%, highlighting its iron content 30.71 mg/100g and essential amino acids such as lysine, valine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine and arginine


    It is a tuber of Andean origin and has various health properties.

    Materials Quantity Cost
    Junin maca in pre-cooked powder ¼ Kg 3 PEN
    20 ml syringe 2 Unit 1.5 PEN
    Disposable cups 10 1 PEN
    Chuño ¼ Kg 2 PEN


    Pour water and pour water, maca, chuño and stir with a spoon, according to the following details:

    EVIDENCE 001 10 ml 10 gr 5 gr 10 min watery
    EVIDENCE 002 10 ml 12 gr 10 gr 10 min watery
    EVIDENCE 003 20 ml 30 gr 0 gr 10 min It is done in 3 layers and is consistent

    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Prototype Construction

    SCIENTIFIC NAME = Musa Paradisiaca
    Bananas are a source of minerals such as magnesium, iron, manganese and potassium, which are very important for the maintenance of our muscles, as well as for keeping blood pressure stabilized.


    Fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 and inulin. Bananas barely contain proteins (1.2%) and lipids (0.3%), although their content in these components exceeds that of other fruits. Its composition highlights its richness in carbohydrates (20%)


    It is a fruit widely used in the Huánuco area and has nutritional components.

    Materials Quantity Cost
    Junin maca in pre-cooked powder ¼ kilo 3 PEN
    20 ml syringe 2 Unit 1.5 PEN
    Disposable cups 10 1 PEN
    Chuño ¼ Kilo 2 PEN


    Add water and banana flour and stir with a spoon, according to the following details:

    EVIDENCE 001 10 ml 20 gr 30 gr 10 min consistent


    In the initial phase of designing PachamamaPrint, I delved into the realm of existing 3D food printers, particularly those specializing in chocolate, scouring the market for inspiration. Observing their forms and functionalities, I began sketching out preliminary designs, envisioning a cubic structure that would provide stability and practicality for our intended purpose. Taking cues from the sleek, streamlined shapes of contemporary food printers, I aimed to marry functionality with aesthetics, ensuring that our machine would not only be efficient but also visually appealing.

    Transitioning from conceptual sketches to tangible designs, I turned to Fusion 360, a powerful CAD software, to bring my ideas to life. Drawing upon components from existing 3D printers, I meticulously crafted each element with precision, seeking to optimize performance and ease of use. Through iterative modeling and refinement, I created a digital prototype of PachamamaPrint, complete with intricate details and realistic textures. Rendering the design allowed me to visualize the final product, refining it further based on feedback and feasibility considerations.

    As our team progressed, we encountered the crucial challenge of adapting our design to accommodate the unique properties of maca and the extrusion process. Collaborating closely with colleagues who conducted ingredient testing, I focused on refining the extrusion component to ensure seamless integration with our chosen superfood. Iterating through various designs and material compositions, we fine-tuned the extrusion mechanism to achieve optimal results, balancing precision with reliability to guarantee consistent output.

    In hindsight, the journey of designing PachamamaPrint was not without its obstacles. Despite our meticulous planning and attention to detail, we encountered unforeseen challenges along the way as described. However, each setback served as a learning opportunity, prompting us to reassess our approach and implement innovative solutions. Through perseverance and collaborative effort, we overcame adversity, ultimately realizing our vision of creating a transformative tool for promoting healthier eating habits and fostering a brighter future for our community.

    Manufacturing, recycling and assembly


    With the designs finalized, the next step was to bring them into the physical realm through 3D printing. Utilizing Ultimaker Cura slicer software, I prepared the digital models, generating the necessary G-codes to instruct the printer.

    Turning to the Artillery Genius Pro 3D printer, I carefully calibrated the settings and loaded white PLA filament, ensuring optimal print quality. Over the course of several printing sessions (almost a full day), the machine diligently fabricated each component.

    Through constant monitoring and adjustment, I maintained strict quality control, striving for flawless execution in every print.

    I did not manufactured a entire new structure because our team adopted a sustainable approach by repurposing components from a disused machine. Recognizing the value of recycling and minimizing waste, we meticulously salvaged and refurbished suitable parts, integrating them seamlessly into our design. This eco-conscious decision not only reduced our environmental footprint but also demonstrated our commitment to responsible machine building practices. By repurposing existing materials, we breathed new life into discarded components, transforming them into integral elements of PachamamaPrint, further embodying our ethos of innovation, sustainability, and community stewardship.


    Prototype Construction

    We began the exciting task of manufacturing a machine. For this activity, María Ángela and I moved to Huánuco, which is approximately 10 hours from Lima, with the purpose of working as a team with Ronald, Renso and Wilmer. Together, we brought the materials and supplies necessary to build the machine we had previously designed. In addition, Franco accompanied us on the trip and helped us with the acrylic necessary for the machine's casing.


    Imagen 1 Imagen 2 Imagen 3 Imagen 4 Imagen 5
    image 1

    Placing the calibrator

    image 2

    Placing the calibrator

    Working with my Fab Academy colleagues for the first time in person was very interesting. Each one shared their digital manufacturing experiences and we spent a nice friday afternoon.



    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Placing the calibrator


    Correctly arranging the MDF cutting material so that all sides


    Having defined the machine, the crucial moment arrived to select the hardware that will give life to our project. This step is essential, since the appropriate choice of components will determine the performance, reliability and efficiency of our machine. We are committed to opting for quality hardware that meets our technical specifications and ensures optimal performance over time.

    3D Printer Hardware

    We are considering two microcontroller options for our machine, based on their capacity and layout. This decision is crucial to ensure efficient and reliable operation. We are carefully evaluating both options before making a final decision.

    Imagen pic193

    ATMega2560 Pinout Configuration

    Features and Specifications

    RAMPAS 1.4

    RAMPS 1.4 is probably the most widely used electronics for RepRap machines as of March 2014. It consists of a RAMPS 1.4 shield, an Arduino Mega 2560 board (or a clone), and a max of five Pololu Stepper drivers. It can control up to 5 stepper motors with 1/16 stepping precision and interface with a hotend, a heatbed, a fan (or a second hotend), a LCD controller, a 12V (or 24V with appropriate modification) power supply, up to three thermistors, and up to six end stoppers.

    Imagen pic439

    With the Ramps 1.4 board in our hands and the necessary components ready, it is time to proceed with its installation following both the image provided and the detailed instructions on the website.

    Necessary components

    Imagen pic
    Imagen pic

    We place all the components, such as the jumpers, as shown in the image, with three of them on each motor driver. This configuration is done to improve the resolution of the engine.


    The image provides the guide to correctly place the limit switches of the 3 axes.


    The following image shows the correct placement of the Pololu A4988 drivers. It is crucial to follow this guide in detail, since the wrong direction can irreparably damage the drivers.


    The following image illustrates the correct placement of the graphic LCD. It is extremely important to follow these settings to ensure proper operation.


    The following image confirms that our LCD is operational and presents the correct way to position the extruder motor. It is essential to follow these instructions for optimal system operation.


    The next step is to place the electronics inside the box specially designed for the machine, firmly securing all the connectors.


    Machine calibration stage

    Calibration is a critical stage of machine setup as it determines whether it will work correctly or not. It is crucial to devote time and attention to this process to ensure optimal performance.

    The following image shows the process of measuring the displacement on the X axis using the Bernier tool. The procedure is as follows: we place the Bernier on the X axis and then, in the Pronterface software, we indicate a displacement of 10 mm. The machine will move and we will take this measurement to perform the corresponding steps per millimeter calculations in the software.


    Similarly, the next step involves measuring the displacement on the Y axis using the Bernier tool. We place the Bernier on the Y axis and, through the Pronterface software, we indicate a displacement of 10 mm. The machine will move and we will record this measurement to carry out the necessary steps per millimeter calculations in the software.

    If you got a value of 100.63 steps per millimeter when measuring the displacement with the Bernier tool, and you are using 21-tooth GT2 pulleys and a GT2 belt, then this value is effective for your setup.


    The following image shows the process of measuring the displacement in the Z axis using the Bernier tool. The procedure is similar to that of the X and Y axes: we place the Bernier on the Z axis and, using the Pronterface software, we indicate a displacement of 10 mm. The machine will move and we will record this measurement to perform the respective calculations of steps per millimeter, taking into account that we are using an M8 Spindle and two NEMA 17 0.7 amp motors.



    The line

    #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {100.63,100.63,404.7,150}  
    sets the steps per unit for each of the 3D printer's axes. These values determine how many motor steps the motors must take to move a specific unit of measurement (usually millimeters). The list of values {100.63,100.63,404.7,150} refers to the X, Y, Z and E (extruder) axes, respectively.

    • HEATER_0_MAXTEMP: This parameter sets the maximum temperature allowed for the main hotend (extruder), which generally corresponds to the printer's primary extruder. In this case, it has been set to 260 degrees Celsius. If the hotend temperature exceeds this limit during printing, the heater will automatically turn off to prevent overheating.
    • HEATER_1_MAXTEMP and HEATER_2_MAXTEMP: These parameters set the maximum temperature limits for the additional hotends, if the printer has more than one extruder. In this case, both have been set to 275 degrees Celsius.
    • BED_MAXTEMP: This parameter sets the maximum temperature limit for the heated bed of the 3D printer. It has been set to 130 degrees Celsius. As with hotends, if the heated bed temperature exceeds this limit, the heater will automatically shut off to prevent overheating.

    The program we use is called Marlin. It is an open source firmware designed primarily for 3D printers, but we realized that it could adapt perfectly to our food machine. With Marlin, we were able to precisely control every movement of our machine

    • PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX: This parameter sets the maximum limit for the integral component of the PID control. The integral component is responsible for correcting the error accumulated over time. In this case, it has been set to 255, which is the maximum value for an unsigned byte.
    • K1: This parameter is a smoothing factor used within PID control. Helps smooth out changes in controller output. In this case, it has been set to 0.95.
    • PID_dT: This parameter specifies the sampling period of the PID control. It is the amount of time between each temperature reading used by the PID controller. In this case, it is calculated using the CPU frequency and other factors.

    Although on this occasion we do not plan to use the heated bed in our machine, it is important to highlight its connection and presence. The heated bed is not only essential for printing certain materials, but also plays a crucial role in the stability and accuracy of the overall print. Maintaining the option to use the heated bed gives us flexibility and the ability to work with a wider variety of materials in the future. Additionally, having the heated bed connected and ready for use prepares us for any future printing needs that may arise, thus ensuring that our machine is fully equipped and ready for any project we tackle.

    Problems described and how the team resolved them Project improvements:

    Group 2: PISKU MAKER


    To develop the assignment, we had to meet and define our plan to be able to meet the objective of fulfilling the assignment. Therefore, we organized ourselves and scheduled dates where we had to complete certain tasks the days before the presentation of the machine. Here is a photo of our organization for the assignment.


    After meeting virtually to discuss the machines that each one proposed to make. We chose the best option, which was the PISKU MAKER, a machine that prepares different types of drinks and mainly pisco sour, originally from Peru. From this, you proposed sketches of what the shape could be and we chose something more compact because we proposed to work with a machine that can be developed without screws and rubber bands. So, we wanted to achieve a machine that is assembled through joints, all according to what we have learned at the FAB ACADEMY so far. Here is a screenshot of a sketch made by my colleague Maryori of how we defined it.


    After having an idea of what the machine would be like, we took care of working on the design in both 2D and 3D, where we began to model the entire structure of the machine so that everything can work through joints or press fit. The objective was to achieve this to avoid using glue or screws as are common in the machine. Here are some screenshots of the work done on the design in Fusion and Autocad for disassembly and then sending it to be laser cut.

    We made some renderings and also checked that all the joints can connect correctly. This is also how the part of the axis that will have movement was modeled so that a glass can move through the machine.


    After obtaining the design, we began to laser cut the entire structure of the machine in 3 mm PLYWOOD, it was a material that we already knew and that was tested in week 3 to find out its fitting characteristics. Approximately 9 sheets of 300 x 600 mm will be used, which is the standard size of the material. The cost is less than buying an MDF sheet here in Peru. Here are some cuts of the machine parts.


    We wanted to give a characteristic to the machine, so Maryori dedicated herself to designing a logo that goes well with the design and characteristics of the machine. Here is the process of how we cut the logo in vinyl to paste it on the machine when we can have it. The logo was unique and characteristic of the machine.


    Likewise, for the machine we had to make 3D prints of the flag that will carry the glass where the drinks will be mixed and the containers where the drinks will go were also printed. Here are some photographs of the printing process, the containers took approximately 3:12 minutes to complete, all of these were printed with white PLA filament.


    For the machine we had to design a board where we can include the XIAO RP 2040 to achieve its programming and operation. This board is aimed at controlling the dispenser of the machine. Where with pumps and ultrasounds, the idea is that when it comes to recognizing movement, the pumps can be activated and when we do not obtain measurements, they are turned off. Here I show the diagram and layout of the PCB.

    Before starting to design the board we had to research the electronic components that we will need to be able to place on the board and their connection method. Here are some components that we use to make the machine.

    Then in the KICAD 8.0 program we began to design our board in diagram form and layout. Here are some screenshots of what was developed.


    Finally, after obtaining the design, we moved on to the stage of milling the board where we did it with MODS.CE and after obtaining the board, we moved on to milling the components that were going to go on the board.


    For assembly, we decided to start with the beverage dispenser since it seemed the most difficult to us, first we started by assembling the structure, everything should fit together with its parts and without using screws or glue. Finishing this, we begin to connect the motors, pipes and keys for programming and power in each of them. In the end it turned out very well, everything could be put together like a puzzle.


    Like the assembly of the dispensers, the tray, where the glass will travel, was also done in the same way with press fit and we also added the electrical components such as the stepper motor and also an Arduino UNO with SHIELD to be able to program the stepper motor. Here are some screenshots of the process, remember that this base will receive the dispenser through press fit.


    For the electronic assembly we had many complications because there were many cables and it confused us a lot when connecting each of them to the pins. In addition, we had to send the board to be milled twice since the first time some pins broke and it no longer worked. It was a low-stress stage but in the end we were able to put things in order and do a good job with them.


    The results were very good in the assembly and design. But when it came to programming there were some things that we could not solve, mainly the communication between the motor and the ultrasound. It was complicated for us because we could not ensure that the ultrasound could only read when the glass passes and stop working when it is no longer there, because in operation, everything is fine, only the programming we needed to investigate more and synchronize properly for its correct operation.

    Problems described and how the team resolved them

    1. One of the difficulties that we were able to observe when making the machine is how to be able to work with liquids on these machines so that they function correctly and do not affect the circuits so much. Therefore, we did research on peristaltic motors that helped us manage the liquid. We also had to find these liquid tubes that can transport the liquid and in the end we were able to make them work without affecting the machine due to the liquids.

    2. Another difficulty was how to work with the stepper motor. It is the first time that everyone in the group did not know how to start programming and what components are needed for its operation. For this reason, we started to find out and also asked some colleagues for help so that they could support us in this.

    3. Other difficulties we have is the lack of materials at hand that can facilitate or save time for progress. Many of the components had to be purchased in places far from the FAB LAB and it was very difficult for us to find some of them. Despite this, we were able to carry out the design and operation.

    4. We encountered difficulties in programming and the lack of some specific components that we may need in our design so that it can function efficiently. We tried to solve some components that we couldn't find and the truth is that it worked, we were able to solve some limits or inconveniences that happened to us almost daily.

    Project improvements

    1. The machine works correctly, except that due to the lack of some components it remains very basic, but to improve it is to try to add more components that allow communication between components for better synchronization.

    2. We could improve the design or the way we can connect different types of drinks so that just by placing a bottle or container, for example, it can work with any type of drink and be able to prepare different types for parties or meetings.

    3. For the stepper motor, a shield and an Arduino UNO were used, the ideal would be to work with boards designed and manufactured by oneself. We consider that the XIAO RP2040 could handle the entire circuit and operation of this machine.

    4. Finally, try to improve the connectivity of the containers or change the design to be able to receive whichever container or bottle is the most used.

  • 3d printed parts.rar
  • sensors code.ino
  • tray code.ino
  • Movement code.ino
  • Final programming.ino
  • Design board Kicad.rar
  • 2D design.dxf
  • 3D Design.f3d