What is 3D printing?
Which is also known as additive manufacturing. It's a way of making things. It's a form of digital fabrication that uses computer-controlled tools to make a physical object. Consider an inkjet printer. It's a computer-controlled tool working in two dimensions. It has an ink cartridge moving back and forth depositing ink and a second mechanism that feeds the paper in the opposite direction. These two movements combined produce a two-dimensional image. A 3D printer works in a similar way, but instead of ink, it prints in a physical substance like plastic. And instead of two axes of movement, there are three. In this case, the build platform moves down after each plastic layer is deposited. Layer by layer, the 3D printer creates a 3D object.
Plastics and metal alloys are the most commonly used materials for 3D printing, but almost anything from concrete to living tissue can be used.
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