Project Management

Make the website and Deployment on FabCloud

To build the web page and deploy to the fabcloud, use the following software tools:
1 . Nice Page: builds mobile-friendly websites with clean HTML and CSS code. Nicepage is available for Windows and well as plugins for Joomla and WordPress.
2. Git : is software for tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development.
3. Visual Studio Code : is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle.
4. GitLab : helps teams accelerate software delivery from weeks to minutes while reducing development costs and security risks.

Web site development

As I did?

For the design of my website in the first instance I used the open source software "NicePage", which allows creating websites easily and intuitively, provides multiple templates and a toolkit as blocks to create from simple to complex websites. I was able to verify that it was easy to design and build a website. With very little training on NicePage and the template provided by the local instructor I started to implement my website.

Deployment on FabCloud

Step 1: What do we need? First of all, download and install the GIT Version control system for Windows. We also download Visual Studio Code and install on PC.

Step 2: Sign in.- In the GITBASH git console on the local PC, with the credentials provided by FabAcademy : login email and login password. We verify if the permissions are correct to proceed to clone.

Step 3: Clone.- To clone the website and deploy to FabAcademy's GitLab server called FABCLOUD, we choose between one of two suggested protocols. You can choose between HTTP or SSH. I chose SSH which is recommended for security reasons, I copied the source location of the repository. Then create a new folder. Right click on it and choose the GIT GUI option HERE. It will show 3 options, choose "clone an existing repository" and paste the source location and choose a destination location. Now clone it. Wait a few minutes and that's it.

Step 4 : Update files.- From Visual Studio Code, which has a friendly interface, Clone Git Repository is chosen, and the folder that will contain the website files and will be the local version of the web project is selected.

Step 5: Synchronization  To perform updates and then synchronize with the LabCloud server, the COMMIT operation must be performed, through another operation called PUSH.

Step 6: Viewing the student website On the LabCloud server each FabAcademy student is assigned a website. In this space I made the changes from the local PC to the GitLab LabCloud server using Git and Visual Studio Code, to finally have my web project on the server and perform all future updates from FabAcademy 2022.