FabLab UAE My Fab Academy Journey

18. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

# Goal:

To have the copyrights of the final project.

# Tasks:

1. Plan for the dissemination of the final project.
2. Create drafts of the summary slide and the video clip.

# Procedures:

1. Invention:

My final project is about building a PV Panel Cleaning Robot. Besides my background as a renewable energy engineer, I decided to create this robot because the available ones in the market are expensive. Moreover, these robots mainly depend on water to clean the panels, which is not practical to use in my country and the Middle East.

This project is targeting individuals and companies with stand-alone PV systems since this cleaning robot is relatively affordable and easy to install and manufacture. This project was built based on the skills obtained from Fab Academy 2022 and FabLab UAE. Hopefully, this robot will encourage individuals to install stand-alone PV systems and start reducing carbon emissions.

2. Intellectual Property:

I choose an open source license, where anyone can have the opportunity to learn and improve the project. To create the license, I answered a questionnaire in the Creative Commons page. This license give you the right to share, transform, and build upon the material. However, you should provide a link to the license and not use the material for commercial purposes.


Creative Commons License
PV Panels Cleaning Robot by Amal Ashoor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://fabacademy.org/2022/labs/uae/students/amal-ashoor/.

3. Income:

Partnership with a company, that focuses in photovoltaic systems, will be a good option. Moreover, mass production or manufacturing of the robot in the UAE will support the economy. However, it would be challenging since some electronic parts of the PCB are imported.

4. The Summary Slide and Video Clip:

The drafts of the slide and the video clip are showing below.