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About me

Hello, my name is Jorge Luis Apaza Portilla, I have a degree in Industrial Relations, in recent years I have worked as a teacher at the IESTP JORGE BASADRE GROHMAN, developing young people in technical skills that the current market requires, in the same way I have seen the need to the region in terms of employability of resources for the region’s products, the opportunity offered by the FabLab is an ambitious opportunity that promises a future for the region as well as the opportunity for it to be integrated into the international technological vanguard.

Visit this website to see my work!

My background

I was born in the city of Arequipa, Peru, I have a degree in Industrial Relations, I like continuous improvement, I am always willing to learn regardless of the branch, I consider that knowledge is a privilege that one can achieve in life, among my hobbies is soccer, swimming and indoor games.

Professionally I have worked in sectors such as industry, mass consumption and transportation, where one would say “it is necessary to be at the forefront of technology”, however, we remain the same, I believe that technology is to facilitate the needs of the population that is in growth and its rapid growth must be considered in order to avoid limitations in the future.

I am very happy to be part of this project and to be able to learn more about technology. I consider that if I had sufficient capacity I could support the sector where I have to be with the advancement of technology and human talent.

Project A

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Last update: March 19, 2022