Final Project

Principles and Practices

The world of robotics has been my passion since I learned about digital fabrication and what we have come up with, I love the way it works and implement orders, so I decided in the final project to build one of them.

I want to make walking robot with unusual movement or mechanism that far from wheels or rounded parts.

My friend Omar built a very beautiful robot "Hermes", very similar to spiders because of its legs. I decided to build one that executes commands through a remote control device, a specific application on the phone, or via voice commands.

Omar's Robot

I brainstormed, and searched the Internet for robots with strange shapes or unfamiliar movement. I liked two types of moving robots, Quadruped & Hexapod Robots. They are really amazing!

With my pencil and notebook, I tried to sketch the shape of the robot that I want to make, and this is what I reached.


I'm a FabLab Master, where I teach students about digital fabrication and robotics; And how to make their own projects. So, I decided to make a HEXI Robot which is an educational robot to teach students about robotics and how to build them.
