KeoLAB Fab Academy 2022
KeoLID Innovation Hub
KeoLID is a qualifying training and incubation center covering the entire digital industry. KeoLID intends to actively contribute to the emergence of a genuine digital economy in Burkina Faso through training, innovation and creativity. Read More
KeoLAB was setup back in Fabruary 2021, with the goal of making the necessary tools and technology accessible to all who find themselve within the KeoLID settings, both as Incubators working on some innovative projects or Public entities looking to use the facility to develope their projects or looking to realize their creativite ideas in the Lab
KeoLab Fab Academy Students
Bouda Lamine
KeoLAB AsistantMy name is Bouda Lamine, 25 years old, student entrepreneur. I did my secondary studies at the National Professional High School Maurice YAMEOGO of Koudougou (LPNMY) and I continue my university studies at the Higher Institute of Technology of Ouagadougou (IST) . I am in the Industrial Maintenance Engineer cycle (licence level 3 in progress) and I am very passionate about electronics and programming (IoT).Read More
Souleymane Mare
KeoLAB AsistantI am an Electrical Engineer in Maintenance of Industrial Systems. I am passionate about digital designing and prototyping of machines and mechanisms. I have always been driven by the desire to acquire knowledge and work hard to achieve the desired goals. I also want to work on industrial design in the future. I think the FAB Academy is a way for me to realize my dreams. That's why I joined the FabAcademy.Read More
Conseiga Mohamed
KeoLAB AsistantI am CONSEIGA Mohamed, I did technician in electrical engineering at the École Supérieure Polytechnique Excelle (ESUPEX). Passionate about technology, I trained in mechatronics (in computer-assisted 3D modeling and printing, and other CNC machines) in the Keolid FabLab (Keolab). In charge of the chicken coop project, Firme Tiller among others, today he devotes all his energy as head of 3D printing from keolab to Keolid.Read More
KeoLab Projects
Machine Building




