About me

Hello, my name is BOUDA Lamine. I was born in the most beautiful city of BURKINA FASO, precisely in KOUDOUGOU. I am a student in Industrial Maintenance cycle license level LIII. I currently work at KeoLID as a Mecatronician. I do a lot of research in electronics and I also do modeling. My study in the Fab Academy is a great benefit for me to multiply my knowledge and to become a very great creator. Please read on to learn more about what I had the real pleasure of doing while studying at Fab Academy 2022.

Final Project

Machine Control

What does he look like?? yes, a lot of things.. the final objective of my project is to control the start and stop (no one else can start the machine without your consent) and to measure the operating time of the Roland MDX- machine. 50 with my smartphone..