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11. Mechanical design, Machine design

Weekly Summary

  • Design and create mechanical doll
  • Filming and editing


group assignment

  • design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application
  • build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
  • document the group project and your individual contribution

Kamakura Group Assignment Week11

Individual assignment

I did target and bear machine design.

I started bear sketch.

Design data on illustrator.

I thought it took so long time if I create the data on 3D design software for simulation.

So I decide to try and error in real word.

Cut the parts with laser cutter.

MDF 2.5mm

cutting power : 60

cutting speed : 0.45

cutting Hz : 1000

engraving power : 80

engraving speed : 60

engraving PPI : 1000


But it was too complicated to move eye browse and mouth. so I focused the motion of hands.

I straggled with bear. But it is not fail, I just needed a time how to finish it.

so I started target construction first.

I used the Roland VersaUV for UV printing.

Table setting

Press power button(blue button on the photo) to turn on

Press set up button

Press up or down button to set the table high.

I set 100.5mm for printing guide-line on paper.

(I set 98mm when I printed for 2.5mm MDF)

Press enter

Pres enter to start checking table high.

Press enter to finish setting

Press enter

Press enter

Now you can start to print!!

Setting on VersaWorks.

more detail of how to use here in english.

Drag and Drop the pdf data on input. and double click the guid-line pdf.

Select the Quality setting icon on the left.

Select the setting as follow:

  1. Print quality : High speed
  2. mode : CMYK
  3. Interpolation : Nearest neighbor

Select the clipping icon

Clipping the right bottom corner with red line. Press OK.

Next setting is characters pdf.

Select the setting as follow:

  1. Print quality : High quality
  2. Interpolation : Bicubic

When you finish the setting, drag and drop the pdf to Print state.

and start the printing.

Printing the outline first on the paper.

And set the MDF and printing.

Laser cutting the target parts.

It is mixed MDF 2.5mm and 4mm.

MDF 4mm

cutting power : 60

cutting speed : 0.40

cutting Hz : 1000

Bottom part, 4mm was fit well stepper motor but bit heavy.

so I changed to 2.5mm

I create stepper motor support from bottom.

But It wasn’t center…

I measured and fit well!!

It supposed to randomly flip up.

But behind of gear wasn’t round as gear.

So it’s stuck with little gear, because it moved to too close…

I need to shave the gear or change the gear shape. So I leave it for next spiral.

Add the string to connect top part and bottom part.

and Done!!

Move back to Bear!! Back side gears are moving well. Suzuki-san was in charge of programing stepper motor.

I started to create the box for stepper motor.

I cut the gear with MDF 4mm for stepper motor.

But It was too thick in the box. so I changed to 2.5mm.

Cutting the supporter of stepper motor in the box.

I cut very left at beginning. but stepper motor wasn’t coming in the middle.

So I cut as a middle in the photo.

It’s fit property.

And put on the gear on the top.

Add the joint part with front and back.

And cut the parts for hook

Change some parts for more smooth movement.

Cut the 1mm thickness parts with 4mm MDF.

And arm parts doesn’t stuck anymore.

Hand was stuck to Arm.

So I cut the arm part. But at the end, I moved to the parts in the middle of hand.

And move smoothly.

Start moving test with Suzuki-san.

Use this code

(Suzuki-san was in charge of programming part).

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

int potpin = 0; //pin number of potentiometer
int val;

void setup() {
  myservo.attach(9); //pin number of servo motor

void loop() {
  val = analogRead(potpin);
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 180); //map 1023 to 180 degree

Servo test is going well.

We convened every parts as Group video!!

(I was in charge of video editing, compositing and animation of title.)

  • Create the gears for bear and targets on Fusion[.f3d]
  • Gear for bear and targets[.dxf]
  • Design of bear and targets[.ai]
  • Test the bear gear on AE[.aep]

What I learned

It was difficult to think in my mind. I needed a lot of try and error, and give up some parts.

Ended up, we can create what other people can make fun :)


Last update: May 1, 2022