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About me

Hi! I am Flore Alynne Verschelde. I am a formerly “gifted” kid and now trying to inspire people.

Follow my projects below!

My background

I was born in a nice city called Ghent, but fled because of air quality (not a joke). Now i live there again and am active in my local makerspaces, trying to inspire individuals to take their life into their own hands, and Make it better.

I am studying applied computer sciences, but the more i learn about the commercial world of computers, the more I want to leave. So that’s why I am sharing as much of my knowledge with as much people as will listen.

I also help maintain a makerspace/youth centre. In which we teach people freely to use the machines to make their ideas. And on pure accident I stumbled across a course about making called FabZero by De Creatieve Stem.

Graduating from FabZero and getting a scholarship “Here i got the scholarship for the Fabacademy Course, I cried (alot).”

Previous work

I have been active on instructables, and made tons of small projects, but am to big of a perfectionist to show most of them on the internet, I should improve on that.

Final Project Fabacademy

small dymaxion globe

This is a preview, look here for the development of my final project.

-Dymaxion Globe - Datamap

Last update: April 13, 2022