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12. Mechanical Design, Machine Design

This week I worked on the project icon and the 1-min video. [Reference]

Hero Video


Group assignment

This week of group assignment, We try to design a robotic arm which able to service you. Click HERE to see more detail of the group assignment.

Individual contribution

Logo Design

First, I know the project which we are going to make is a robotic arm, so I went on google to find some similar ideas to design the logo. And I also know that the head is changeable and customizable. Therefore, I need do some changes to the head of the icon.

And I chose to use Illustrator to make it.


And I kept doing changes to the design. Total 9 versions of it.


After I add the text of the project name, RoboMaid. The logo was completed!


Video production

After the logo is done, I’ve worked on the 1 min video. By using Premiere Pro


And you can see the video below is the time lapse of video making process. In other word, behind the scenes ^^

RoboMaid_behide_the_scene from TerryAU on Vimeo.

And this is the outcome.


RoboMaid logo - .png | .svg

RoboMaid 1-min video - .mp4 (Google Drive) | Folder of drafts

Last update: April 26, 2022