12. Output devices¶
- Measure the power consumption of an output device
From the following link you can access the Group Assignment: Group Assignment
- Add an output device to a microcontroller board you’ve designed, and program it to do something
For this week’s assignment I chose to work with the RGB LED. More information on how they work in the following link. electronics-basics-how-do-rgb-leds-work
I took as reference the card for RGB LEDs that is in this link: output_devices
Guided by the example I made my own plate using Eagle.
The list of components:
01) Attiny45
(01) 1uf Capacitor
(01) 10K resistor
(01) RGB LEDs
(02) 1K resistor
(01) Resistor 499
(01) Regulator 5V
(01) Connector 2x2
(01) ISP Connector 3x2
You can download the RGB LED data sheet from the following link: HB-CLV1A-FKB
After soldering the components, the board looked like this:
To program the board I downloaded the .c and .make files
Finally, from the linux terminal we access the folder with the .c and Makefile files and execute the following command:
make program-usbtiny
When we finish programming, we carry out the tests:
Watch video:
The files: