Week 19 Project Development


Complete your final project, tracking your progress:

what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
Till now I have completed fabrication prototype of my final project. and now testing the fitting of the slots and the holes for the components.
Remaining tasks:

    1. Design and fabricate final enclosure.
    2. Integration and testing all components.
    3. Wire management.
    4. Testing the heater.


what's working? what's not?
All compoonents are working fine, only had some issues with the jumper wires but had changed them and soldered them to avoid any further issues causing it.

what questions need to be resolved?
The main question of heater, is the small pad heater suffient for heating the enclosure and cure the filament?
How to fix the temperature sensor inside the acrylic enclosure and where?
How to manage the temperature sensors wires while opening and closing the acrylic enclosure?

what will happen when?

Here is my planning of implementation for my final project:

SR. NO. EST Date. Task
1 18 May 2022 Decide / Confirm components and calculate the power management accordingly.
2 19 May Requisite the components needed for the project.
Design prototype on Fusion360
3 20 May Prototype LCD with I2C , pushbuttons and LEDs .
4 21 May Laser cut prototype and assemble it (low fidelity).
5 22 May Prototype fans , heater (both using mosfet) and thermistor sensor .
6 23 May Integrating all the components in the algorithm. Testing all components to confirm circuit diagram.
7 24 May PCB design.
8 25 May Attending class and completing weekly documentation.
9 26 May PCB milling, soldering and testing.
10 27 May Break
11 28 May Debugging circuit diagram issues.
12 29 May Assemble Prototype.
13 30 May Prototype dry run.
14 31 May Test print for clearence and slot fitings.
15 1 June Attending class and completing weekly documentation. Design lid cover on Fusion360
16 2 June Fabricate lid cover and design base box on Fusion360.
17 3 June Break
18 4 June Fabricate base box.
19 5 June Fabricate acrylic enclosure.
20 6 June Integration and assembly of the project
Designing bluetooth app on MIT inventor App and integrating in the project
Cable management process.
21 7 June Testing and dry run of the full project.
fabricate sensor holder.
22 8 June Attending class and starting final project documentation.
23 9 June Making slide and video for the Presentation.
24 10 June Presentation Day.

what have you learned?
I have learned alot these past few weeks.

    • How to manage time.
    • How to think for solutions after fabrication gone wrong.
    • How to do wire management.
    • How to debug and find practical solution.