12. Mechanical design¶
group assignment
design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application
build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
document the group project and your individual contribution
3D printing Files
Laser cutting Files
CNC milling files
Designing the machine¶
I’m going to build a machine based on the CoreXY mechanism :
Both motors control the X and Y axis at the same time :
If both motors turn in the same direction, the head moves in the X axis
If both motors turn in the opposite direction, the head moves in the Y axis
If only one motor turns, the head moves in diagonal
I started by making the design on fusion 360 :
and making a test machine with cardboard. I initially went for a guide with rail but the mechanism was too loose so I switch to a guide ring :
Testing the mechanism :
Laser cutting and 3D printing parts¶
Then cutting the parts on 5 mm plywood. To do that, I changed the lens for a 3 inch one which allows to almost cut through it with one pass (I had to brake apart some pieces with a hammer):
I also printed extra pieces for guides. I drew the cylinder with a tear shape to avoid overhangs and make the insertion of the ring more easily :
![](../../images/week11/2022-04-13 13_09_20.png)
Slide stop and modular head to insert different end effectors :
Legs milled on CNC machine to support the CoreXY machine :
Building the machine :
Actionning the motors¶
I’m using two stepper motors NEMA 17.
There are 4 wires, 2 for each coil. To see which ones are connected to the same coil, I used the multimeter with the ohm meter function :
to control the motor I used a TinyG board and Chilipeppr software :
Documentation about TinyG
Setup Chilipeppr
Controlling it with JSON
$1ma=0 – set the 1st motor of tinyG to the X axis
$xvm=200 – set the speed of the X axis
$1sa=2 – set the step angle of the 1st motor
G0 X1 to move to x = 1
Setup the step angle :
Move along an axis :
I looked for Gcode commands :
I then operated each motor, looking how the head (end effector) would move. Below are my observations, where y is the vertical axis and x is the horizontal axis :
Motor 1(X) | Motor 2 (Y) | Head movement |
+ | - | x- |
- | + | x+ |
- | - | y+ |
+ | + | y- |
- | = | diagonal 1 (y+x-) |
+ | = | diagonal 1 (y-x+) |
= | + | diagonal 2 (x-y-) |
= | - | diagonal 2 (x+y+) |
I wrote a Gcode based on those observations where the head would move to 6 different points. The head should move to 3 points in a line and to 3 other points on a parallel line to the first one. Then come back to the origin :
G1 F25 ; set the max speed
G1 Y2 ; move diagonally to 1st point
G1 Z-1 ; operate end effector
G1 Z0
G1 X-1 Y1 ; move to 2nd point
G1 Z-1
G1 Z0
G1 X-2 Y2 ; move to 3d point
G1 Z-1
G1 Z0
G1 X0 Y-2 ; move to 4th point
G1 Z-1
G1 Z0
G1 X1 Y-1 ; move to 5th point
G1 Z-1
G1 Z0
G1 X2 Y0 ; move to 6th point
G1 Z-1
G1 Z0
G1 X1 Y1 ;move back to origin
G1 X0 Y0
The movement on the x axis is jerky probably due to the lack of tension of the belt. Also I inverted the x and y axis so the movement is inverted (which in this geometry is not impactful)
Belt tensioner
There is not enough tension on the toothed belt. I made a belt tensioner inspired by timing belts of cars but I have to adjust it manually. I made 3 notch to adjust the tensioner :
End effector¶
To be done…
The system I chose was probably too complex to be done alone. It took me way more time to test the motors than I expected and it was by far the most difficult assignment to date. I didn’t have time to test the end effector.
On the Gcode part, I was able to write a simple Gcode and move the machine on the xy plane.
I noticed that the conversion to the coreXY is making a rotation of 135° as long as we don’t use diagonal movements. So I could be able to draw the path on a vector program like Inkscape nd make rotation of 135° to have the wanted path on CoreXY. But I didn’t test it
Looking on this Instructables, I need to upload the coreXY_plotter.ino to an arduino board which is plugged to CNC controllers (BigEasy driver in the case of the Instructable).
The arduino programm converts a simple Gcode (where one motor is linked to one axis) to the CoreXY configuration.