Fab Lab Ciudad de México

Mexico City

Group Assignment – Output Devices - Querétaro

General objective (group assignment):


  • Send a message between to project

Machine used:


  • Lilsam project (board design by jonathan leon)
  • Luisino project (board design by luis hernandez)


Specific objective

In this week the goal was to send a meesage between to projects


On the left top side of the bread board is the lilsam board working as a receiver and on the right bottom side of the bread board is the luisino working as a master.

Both of the board as SAMD11C14A MCU based so they have the same functions, even have a button and a led built in the board.

//inserter un link con los documentos *INO en rar o un iframe que muestre el texto del *ino


I2C or IIC stands for inter integrated circuit it’s a communications protocol developed by phillips semiconductors in the 80’s.

It operates using basicly to wires SDA(serial data) and SCL(serial clock) .

They need  pull up resistors to have a reference between  messages.



// insert video


Copyright Fab Lab

Ciudad de México 2021