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11. Mechanical Design and Machine Design

During this week, I worked on Designing a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation and building that machine with mechanical parts and operating it manually with a group.


I was assigned to a group that included Pari, Nick, and Andrew. After much consideration and debate, we decided to create an M&M Sorting Machine. The rest of our documentation for our group effort can be found here


  • 3D designing the funnel and sawing/sanding the funnel so it fits the fixturing design.
  • Printing the parts for the funnel mechanism, with help from Andrew.
  • Designing, laser cutting, and assembling fixturing that included the funnel, wheel, servo mount, chute,
  • Fixing fixture to machine

Final Slide and Video




This assignment was one of my favorite weeks so far as I really enjoyed working with a gorup of people to bring an idea to frutation. I found it amazing how we started with only a concept and brought it to life. Throughout the weeks, I found myself learning more and more about mechanics and design by working with a gorup of people. There were some comunication issues between the group, but in the end we were able to get past all that and finish our assignment.

Last update: June 27, 2022