26th January - 2nd February 2022
Task to be carried out this week

In the first week of the Fab Academy, we go introduced to Mr. Neil Gershenfeld, the founder of the Fab Academy. The first day included a lecture from him for the week and we were assigned with tasks to be completed for the week.

The first week assignment included the following;
  1. Read and understand the student agreement and class schedules
  2. Create a personal website for the course
  3. Uploading my website to the Git Lab
  4. Document all the task completed on the created website
  5. Make a draft sketch of the final project
Action Plan
Date Work Allocation
26th January Introduction to Fan Academy, lecture on Project Management and Git Lab by Prof. Neil
27th January Installation of Git software and Visual Studio code. Run through some tutorial videos on Git. Discussion on final project with local instructors
28th January Developing Final Project Sketch. Lecture on Gantt Project Management Tool by Ms. Komal from Vigyanasharam.
29th January Learning HTML, CSS, javascript. Selecting an appropriate website template and editing it using VS code
30th January Creating my website using the selected template.
31st January Git setup and website push
1st February Documentation and Local Review
Making of personal Fab Academy Website

My Fab acadamy Website

Editing in Visual Studio Code


Since I graduated with a bachelors degree in IT in 2018, I was quite comfortable when making the website. For my fab academy website, I downloaded a suitable template from the net (link from which I downloaded my template: https://www.free-css.com/free-css-templates) and started editing the codes using the Visual Stude Code software. The template I downloaded was meant for an online business website, so I had to make many changes. I choose the template because I realy liked the color scheme and also it had many features that I felt were quite relevant for my fab acadmey website I had to create additional web pages for the assignment, project and student agreement and link them.

This was the final website that I created after all the changes. there are still alot of changes and additions that I need to make. (image on the left)

When making my website, I referred to a number of online sites for help. Some of the most useful sites that I found were;

  • w3school for HTML, CSS and Java Script.
  • htmlcolorcodes for selecting color.
  • tutorialspoint for making tables and divisions in HTML.
  • Git Setup


    During Prof. Neil's lectures on Wednesday, we were given brief introduction to what Git was and what it did. He shared that during Fab Academy Git lab is to be used as a repository, a messenger and a server and all the students are to maintain their assignment and project documentation on their respective Git Lab cloud server accounts. I learned that Git is on the most popular version control system that allows multiple developers to work on a single project together through cloud and it also allows the users to track history of the project. To begin with Git setup, I had to firstly download the Git softwares. I use windows OS and I downloaded the Git software from the Github and followed the tutorial of Git Lab for installation and setup.

    Following are the steps that I followed for setting up the Git

    1. Configure your username and email ID:
      $ git config --global user.name "Sonam Deki"
      $ git config --global user.email "somthekey@gmail.com"
    2. Generate SSH key:
      $ git config --global user.name "Sonam Deki"
      $ git config --global user.email "somthekey@gmail.com"
    3. Copy SSH Key
      $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | clip
      Go in gitlab account and paste key in Profile Settings---> SSH key
    4. Checking if local system is synchronized with Gitlab account
      ssh -T git@gitlab.fabcloud.org

    Cloning repository in local system

    Cloning from Git Lab account

    Clonning from Git bash


    I followed the following steps for cloning the repository from Git cloud to my local system

    1. Open Git Bash and navigate to my folder where I want to save my Fabacademy website
      $ cd documents/sonam-deki

    2. Clone the archive
      $ git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2022/labs/bhutan/students/sonam-deki.git

    3. Add and Commit the website files in the fablab repository folder and push to the git server
      $ git add --all
      $ git commit -m "first commit"
      $ git push

    Link to my final project idea sketch. →