Project Developments
You can view my final project here.
What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
For my final project, the project fabrication is completed.
You can see the images of the 3D printed parts below:

I cut a cover for my sensor in laser cutter which is shown below:

Vinly cutting Process and product is as shown below:
I am also done with the assembly of my project components and body parts. The final result is quite impressive on my part.
The embedded programming part is also done. However, I am left with final result testing.
What's working? What's not?
For my project, I have got all the components working. The gear system is correct, the casing and compositions of body is working. However the result or the final scan is not as good as I imagined. I need to work on the orientation of my results.
what questions need to be resolved?
I need to resolve the final result or the scan as it is scanning in the right side of the screen. I need to edit the processing codes. Otherwise, I got the embedded programming part right.
What will happen when?
All the issues should be solved within the project presentation time. I along with Rico San is working on it.
What have you learned?
The greatest lesson with my final project is that patience and time management.
I think I kept on procastinating my works which affected my the final working of the project.
I also learned to appreciate previous works and the hard work and contributions of my tutors without which
the journey in fabacademy would have been impossible. I did my best to help my colleagues as well as I rendered their help
whenever I was facing issues. I did ask a lot of help with the embedded programming from my colleagues
Mr. Kamal and Mr. Tenzin. Of course, I got the programming part right with Rico and Suhas who helped to
debug the codes which we were not able to.