My Profile

Sangay Penjor

A firm believer in the discipline of Architecture and Research combined with design thinking to create a harmonious and just society, having a positive effect on the world. Only with team spirit, we can build a better world hence, my communication, team work, leadership and technical skills.

Applications and Implications


Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered

What will it do?

The final project is a Space Scanner. It will be used for scanning space of building for conservation purposes whereby it will be used to gather the points from the object and produce a 3D scanned space layouts. It can also be used to scan and give a visual representation of any ojbects. However, it will not scan or pick the colors.

Who's done what beforehand?

This scanner has been carried out by many enthsiasts as a DIY projects which is be available in the internet. I have also referred this projects to shape my project. The following links are some of the projects that has worked on this project.
1. Project by Dana Peters.
2. An open LiDAR project in Gitub
3. An arduino project by Abhinav
4. An arduino project by Travis Ledo
5. An arduino project by Ejshea
There are also numerous other projects that I referred as an inspiration for my final project.

What will you design?

I will design the parts required to built the machines. The project requires two servo motos and one LiDAR sensor. The body parts of the project should be designed in such a way that there is a provision to mount the LiDAR sensor and servo motors. The servo motors must work in the following way:
ServoX must rotate in X-Y direction. A body will be mounted on it with a Gear systems.
ServoY must rotate in Z-direction. The LiDAR sensor will be mounted on it.

What materials and components will be used? Their source and cost associated.

Sl no: Component Name Quantity Source Cost
1. LiDAR sensor TF Luna 1 Nu. 1,927.00
2. Servo Motors 2 Nu. 299.00
3. FTDI cable 1 Nu. 299.00
4. Atmega328p microcontroller 1 fab inventory Nu. 64
5. 5V Power cable 1 fab inventory Nu. 700
6. Jumper Wires 4 fab inventory Nu. 50
7. Resistors 5 fab inventory Nu. 10
7. Capacitors 1 fab inventory Nu. 10
8. SMD Buttons 1 fab inventory Nu. 10
9. SMD LED 2 fab inventory Nu. 10
10. Power Jac 1 fab inventory Nu. 10
10. Miscelleanous 1 fab inventory Nu. 300

What parts and systems will be made?

The parts to hold LiDAR Sensor and a composition of servos will be designed to rotate in the sensor in the desired direction. Arduino IDE will be used to program the servos to rotate and activate the liDAR sensor.

What processes will be used?

Sl. no: Processes Production
1. 3D Printing To print the body parts of the project
2. Laser Cutting To produce the cover of LiDAR sensor
3. Vinyl Cutting To produce name tag of the project
4. PCB Design and Milling To design and fabricate final project board.
5. Soldering and Wiring To connect the microcontroller and the components to create a custom design working board

What questions need to be answered?

  • How will you design the project components? What will be scale of the project?
  • Project components will be designed using Fusion360 and will be 3D printed. The project is a prototype design, therefore, the project scale will be small.

  • What do you intent to do with this project?
  • The project is intended to design and create custom scanner based on the principle Time of Flight (ToF). It will be used to get a scanned points to get a wholesome picture of a space or an object.

  • What is the input and output devices? How will you interface the data?
  • I will use LiDAR TF Luna as my input device. For my output, I will use two servo motors. The data interface will be done using Processing which I am quite familiar with.

  • What do you intent to generate as a result of your project?
  • I intend to generate 2D scan of a space or an object. If possible, I will also generate the 3D scanned points.

  • What is your recommendation for future designers for the similar projects?
  • I would like the future designers to make applications more user friendly.

  • Is the time provided by the fab foundation enough for the completion of the project?
  • The time is quite limited but I am determined to complete it on time.

  • Who else contributed to your project?
  • I would like to share my humble acknowledgement to Mr. Suhas Labade and Mr. Take, my supervisors and instructors for their valuable feedbacks, motivations and also helping hand. The success of my project is made possible due to their help.

    How will it be evaluated?

    It is a small scale project. However, it covers all the requirements and the attributes of a project. This project will be a stepping stone to inspire my journey into electronics and fabrication. If this project is successful, I am very confident that "I can make almost anything now."

    Project Requirements

    The project should incorporate:

  • 2D and 3D design:
  • Additive and Subtractive Fabrication processes
  • Electronics design and production
  • Embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming
  • System integration and packaging

  • Wherever possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project
    Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable

    Fablab Fabacademy