

Learning how to become

about me

Trying to become Fabuloes

it’s me

It’s me, Loes, woman with a lot of interest but one thing everything connects would be visuals..

  • Light Design
  • Photography
  • Light installations

and now also learning to digitally create which can fuel all my other ways of expressing myself

Work experience

i worked as a stage manager & light technician for NDT (Dutch Dance Company) till 2003

from 2005 i worked as a freelancer in the theater with different functions:

  • light designer
  • technician
  • technical (festival) producer
  • photographer
  • set design
  • technician

in between i was enjoying myself for 2 years underwater in Egypt


It was time.. although i work in a very technical environment in the theater, it’s all prefab and manufactured by big companies. This is of course super comfortable but it also comes withe restrictions. As i got more and more into light installations i realized that i miss some knowledge on how to break that prefab shell and make the material work for me. Creating a project this season together with Courtney May Robertson where we challenge ourselves to let the computer rule our world, well within giving limitations. Want to challenge myself to think more outside the box, find different maybe less esthetic but even more conceptual ways.

Why now?

Covid put my whole life to silent, cleared my calender for the first time in years which gave me the option to go for it and apply for subsidie at Stimuleringsfonds Rotterdam - which i got! So let the journey begin.

picture below from one of my installations inspired by the “Stijl” which was in the canals of Leiden for 2 recent winter seasons.





Light Designer exploring new frontiers