2. Project management¶
- [✓] Build a personal site describing you and your final project.
- [✓] Upload it to the class archive.
- [✓] Work through a git tutorial.
Building a persona site
This is my first time to build a website use in Markdown. In the past, I used WIX to craete a website because I am a graphic designer. Basically, I foceus on the layout design, use simple icon of visitor to navigate the webite. You may go to the my website that I using in WIX. CLICK THIS Therefore, using Markdown is totolly flick my concept in building a webiste up side down.
As a beginner, I don’t even know what is the different between GitHub, GitBook or GitLab. Finally, it should be different brand for do the same function. I was very frustrated during the first lesson. Luckily, there are many resources in the internet. Here is some useful link for the begineer.
Useful links¶
- Understanding Gitlab in 7 minutes (Chinese)
- Web and git set up (English)
Process of setting up your GitLab¶
Just for reminder, I am a Mackbook 💻 user.
Step 1
You need to OPEN A NEW FOLDER for storaging everything about your webite.
Step 2
Please go to Your Gitlab repository on our own GitLab-Fabcloud platform This year, Fab Academy help student to set uo a basic template for evey student, so you don’t need to set up a new website by yourself. ( If you are the beginner) Go to your Gitlab repository on our own GitLab-Fabcloud platform. For me, it is https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany/fabacademy/2021/labs/taipei/students/suetyee-yeung
Step 3
Step 4
UNZIP the folder and PUT it in your new folder. (You open in Step 1)
For me, I am using Visual Studio Code for editing my webiste in Markdown.
Step 5
Please download and install Visual Studio Code
Step 6
Run the TERMINAL in Visual Studio Code
Step 7
Configuration of your username and email. For beginner, please be careful very letter, space and punctuation. Here is the command you needed and type those in Terminal.
git config --global user.name "your log-in name"
git config --global user.email "your email"
git config --list"
#3 Check your current setting. In my situation, when I enter this command in Terminal in the first time. It shows that command not found. After that, I enter it again. Finally, it shows my compyer setting is ready.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your email"
This command for generating SSH KEY. #4
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
This command for retrieving SSH Key generate a public key. #5
Please log in you GitLab account. Click to your profile on the top right concern and choose Setting. Click to left side SSH Keys. Copy the public key start with ssh-rsa from the Terminal of Visual Studio Code and paste into the box. Finally, Click Add Key. #6-11 The RED ONE is a successful case for adding the key into your GitLab account.
Please go to you GitLab Project Overview and click Clone. After that, click the copy icon from Clone with SSH. Finally, go back to the Terminal of Visual Studio Code and enter a commond. #11-12
git clone your clone with SSH
Finally, you finish your setup and edit your webiste in Visual Studio Code.
Svae, Commit, Stage Change and Sync¶
If you edit in Visual Studio Code, you will see a bullet point beside your page (Top photo). You need to press Command+S for saving your changes. If you success to save, you will not see the bullet point (Below photo). #1
You can type a commit message above the changes and press Ctrl+Enter (macOS: ⌘+Enter) to commit them. If there are any staged changes, only changes will be committed. Otherwise, you’ll get a prompt asking you to select what changes you’d like to commit and get the option to change your commit settings. #2-4
Sync can be synchronized all the change in your website. It means the finally veriosn that people visiting your website. #5