Relearning HTML in 24h

January 2022

I remember when I was 13 years old and my computer teacher at school decided to teach us how to program a web page, the Hayashi of that time asked himself every day when entering the computer room: "What the hell is it going to do for me to know how to program a page web” , 12 years later life slapped me and told me: “Your time has come” , what life doesn’t know is that 12 years have passed and I have more memories of the girl I liked than of what I learned in computing. Welcome to my first week of Fab Academy.

It is impossible? The first thing you need to know before immersing yourself in writing any letter in any html program is that behind every web page there is a human being like you and me, so it is not an impossible task. Follow these simple steps and you will feel the Next Wozniak of HTML.

The software

Let me tell you that there is no single software to create web pages, however I do not want to add 2 more numbers to my measure of myopia by spending more hours in front of the computer writing more lines. The program that worked wonders for me is called Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/) and it is the one we are going to work with throughout this academy (however you can choose any other).

The installation process is very simple and only requires a couple of clicks, the only complicated thing is like $%&#! I connect my gitlab repository (or whatever is used in later years) with my work in visual studio code, follow these steps and you won't be up until 4am figuring out how to do it:

-Go to your git repository then you must copy the https code to clone your repository, finally you must paste the code in the visual studio code box as shown in the image below.

-We already have everything ready but don't sing victory yet, we have the most important thing left: Activate the push! .For this task, just write the following in the visual studio code “git push” terminal.

-In the new terminal we must write “git push” and then the following screen will appear where you will have to enter your git account and that would be it, you are now ready to send updates to your repository with the following commands in the terminal: “git add -all” , “git commit -m “commitname” , “git push”.

The Web

We know that behind a good website there is always an editing team which is in charge of the image of said website, for all contrary cases (as in my case) when you are alone and you have time against you, you can resort to the templates of web pages. The templates are example web pages which we can download and edit and then push them to our web page repository, to access these templates you can follow these steps:

-Go to a page that has templates for web pages, in my case I use Bootstrap (https://startbootstrap.com/).

-Choose the template that you like the most (I advise you to choose the simplest), then you have to download it and copy it to the root of your gitlab folder.

-In your root folder there will be very important folders in which the content of the page will be, the more details the template has, the more files and folders you will have. The basics are:

JS : In this folder you will find all kinds of graphic effects and animations that your page may have, its language is java script (if you have prior concepts of js I recommend that you explore).
CSS : In this folder you will find the styles of your page (fonts, outlines, colors, etc), here you can edit the styles of your page and I advise you to explore because it is very friendly to be understood from scratch.
IMG : In this folder you will find the images of your web page.
INDEX : This file is the heart of your web page, here you can place information or call the images of your IMG folder. This folder is written with html commands.

It should be noted that the names of these folders are variable but they almost always keep these names since they are the best known.

You did!

Once the information has been added to your html page and before giving the push, I recommend that you run the visualization simulator in visual studio code.

This is just beginning, see you in week 2.

Next-> Week 2About me