Embedded Programming

Assignment Requirements:

  • Group Assignment:
  • Individual Assignment:
  • Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify relevant information in a microcontroller datasheet.
  • Implement programming protocols.

  • Steps in General:

    Steps in Details:

    Step(1): Comparing the performance and development workflows for different microcontroller families.

    Step(2): Reading the ATtiny44 Datasheet.

    Step(3): Programing the board using Arduino IDE:

  • The input for the board is the Push Button and the output is the LED. so I made a code in which when the button is pressed the led will turn off and when it released the turn will turn on.
  • Snow

    Step(4): Burning the code using AVRDUDESS.

  • From the Arduino IDE, I selected Sketch > Export compiled binary, to obtain the .hex file
  • I downloaded and installed the AVRDUDESS and pressed the Detect button and it recognized my board (as ATtiny44A)
  • I selected the button.hex file and uploaded it on AVRDUDESS and the pressed Go
  • Now the code is burnt and runs well.
  • Snow

    Step(5): Programming the board using C Language

    Finally, I have:

    √ Linked to the group assignment page.

    √ Documented what I learned from reading a microcontroller datasheet.

    √ Programmed my board.

    √ Described the programming processes I used.

    √ Included my source code.

    √ Included a short ‘hero video’ of my board.


    Downloades (Source Codes + Datasheet).rar

    Useful Resources & Aknowledge:

  • I have learned alot form the ATtiny44 datasheet which I included in the downloads.
  • Thanks to Noor who made great documentation for this week which I learned a lot from.