Principles and Practices

Assignment Requirement:

Learning Outcome:

Project Name: Smart Drawer

Problem & Inspiration:

Inventory tracking is one of the main issues at most fab labs and makerspaces. At San3aTech (Fab Lab Egypt), it takes a lot of time and effort to re-arrange and organize components after each workshop or educational program. So, I am passionate about solving this problem and decreasing time and effort consumed every week, by designing and making a smart system (Smart Drawer) for maintaining components in an easy way and tracking inventory.

First, I searched Fab Academy Archive if a student made this before as a project/assignment and fortunately I found 3 potential projects as follows:

I checked all the steps and progess done at each project in order to discover the pros and cons of each one. I really loved the Smart Inventory System made by Noor Ahmed and it would be my initial start with further developments and features.

NOW! it is the time to plan and sketch for my project, taking into considearion the above 3 projects and try to have more features and improvements to make it more smart and user friendly.

Improvements that I will make: