I started out by choosing an interesting software to program in, I choose Processing because Neil and Frosti spoke so well about that software and said it was a great place to start there for beginners. I started out by going through tutorials(linked below) on youtube where I learned the basics of Processing. After I had done those tutorials it was time to start connecting Processing with Arduino serial.
I had a lot of problems during this weeks assignment. The main problem this week was getting the serial from a board to serial with the RX and TX. I started out by using the HELLO HC: SR04.45 board but after many hours of trying to get the right information from the board we realized that the board was missing a connection to the TX in the FTDI connection so then I changed the plan and used a variable resistor to get the information and it worked well.
Another minor problem that I had was with defining the serial but that was fixed by placeing < SoftwareSerial.h > on top of the screeen. We also had a probmem with the baud settings and I had seen in other tutotrials that people where using a lot of different baud rates. In the code we used 9600 bauds and in the serial monitor we had to use 1200 bauds to get the right information on the screen.