Final project

  1. Project proposal
  2. Design
  3. Electronics
  4. Communication
  5. applications
  6. Project demo

Final project proposal



Automation is not a matter of if but a matter of when, Automation will play an important part of the 4th industrial revolution. However the key success of automation depends on how machine can interact with one another without any human intervention. My project consist at creating robots that can communicate with each other and share vital information, The robots include a humanoid robot, robotic cars, and drones


Given the limited ressources of robots it is imperative that they share and collaborate together to solve various task, Same as human to achieve high efficient there must be a specialisation, e.g. Some robots can be mobile while others are fixed, some can have specific sensors and try to accomplish certain task while others who are not mission critical sit back and wait for those to share information with them

My project involves a robot that interacts with humans, receives instructions from them, the instructions are finding items and locations in an enclosed location, then the mobile robots(cars and drone) goes and tries to find the object. For example a person does not know where he lost his keys, or where his dog is located, by giving a command to the humanoid robots, which shares the command to the mobile robots, they go around looking for the specific item.

The goal of this project is academic, as I am interested in the communication of the robots, particularly how to optimize their coordination, e.g. Looking at bees or ants. Originally, I wanted to focus on SWARM, but I realised it was much more constraint and very technical so I broadened my scope to make them communicate


This project was inspired by two source, the first is the advent of the smart phone, it is of my opinion that if smartphones did not have all these smooth application it would not have been as widely adopted as it is: 1)they can accomplish an multitude of tasks. 2) they have replaced a number of utilities. and 3? they have a wonderful and smooth user interface. Current smart devices, do not integrate very well with the user, their user interface is not seamless and if you want to have them you must purchase each item by item. We need a more integrated system, that can be purchased at once, and seamlessly operate with each other, they perform the most important task while letting the user relax and only use them when needed

The second reason of my project was when I saw a TED talk by vijay kumar, the video is down below, explaining the idea of SWARM, Iwas mesmerised by what robots collaboration can achieve. They got me thinking about our human capability, amongst the key to our success we have our strong collaboration and our ability to occupy various geographical location, deserts, forests, islands, and cold places. The idea was using swarms can we foster machine to machine collaboration, and help them spread through large territorial spaces