Assignment Description

Week 1 (Project Management and GitLab)


Weekly Assignment

  • Work through a git tutorial
  • Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project
  • Draw first draft of your final project

Fab Academy Student Agreement




Signed by committing this file in my repository,

Walter Elias Lenigan Rodriguez

Description of Final Project [2023]

Week 1

The Final Project proposal is a smart organizer for some of my CNC tools.

I started doing my own DIY builds for my personal LAB due to a variety of complication in Honduras. The biggest challenge I’ve been having is making sure the working area for my CNC meets FAB Academy standards. Through my work you’ll keep watching more of my DIY builds and challenges I’ve been tackling over time.

This organizer will be focused on organizing CNC bits, clamps, T-Nuts, fasteners and other accessories of similar size. One of the first things a CNC operator faces is noticing that bits have different diameters, collets, units (mm. or in.) and the list goes on. This organizer would help any kind of CNC user have cleaner space and it would help a lot new users identify the needed bit and clamps for a specific task. Helps FAB Academy instructors and students. I will have 3 trays and each tray will have a servo motor that will move to make a specific tray come out. The next step would be to add a led that tells you where the wanted tool should be found.

Building my Website

HTML5 and CSS3

The first week of Fab Academy started with something completely new to me (HTML5 and CSS3).

Michael Qiu (are instructor) gave us a general idea of what we are intended to do to start are websites. The tool of Bootstrap was mentioned so that we could find a template that we liked and work on top of it. I didn’t have much trouble finding a template that I liked. Then I chose Visual Studio Code as my text editor (I’ve worked with it before). I used a Bootstrap Theme called Imperial

I have basic programing skills with C++, python and java. Those skill made my initial experience with HTML5 and CSS3 annoying and confusing. I was trying to read the HTML5 code like a C++ code. This was the source of my paradox. I starting reading some books for a couple hours and finally understood better the code of the template. Then a group of friends of mine (Mario Raudales and Arles Cerrato) taught me the magical tool of watching my template in the browser (or any other website), right click the area I want to check out and select “Inspect”.This made everything easier because I was able to modify the template and check out how it looked without changing the original code. Tracking the classes in the CSS file was really handy too. Then notice that some classes within the CSS file have a hierarchical order of execution. I learned and used the command “!important” to overwrite the instruction that were preventing me from modifying some areas of the webpage.

One thing that really helped look around the template code was the high level of organization and the amount of comment the developer had. This helped me under faster how to write and edit HTML5 code. The rest of the time was invested trying to change the esthetics to something I liked.

Setting Up GitLab

Git Bash

I’m a windows user, so first I need to download Git for Windows to get started.

Luckily, one of one of my classmates had previous experience with the use of Git. After looking around some tutorials I still had some difficulties setting up my account. After logging in for the first time in GitLab we started the proses of syncing our Laptops with are projects in GitLab. This proses happens through Git Bash and the prosses is pretty straight forward. After setting up your account we need to secure a communication channel for sharing information (Laptop to Server), so we'll need an SSH Key.


  1. Install Git: GitBash (I'm a Windows User)

  2. Open GitBash: Enter the following Command Line

    • git config –-global “YOUR_USERNAME” : Addes your Username

    • git config -–global “” : Addes your Email to identify uploader

    • cat ~/.ssh/ : Verifies the existence of SSH Key

    • ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$your_email" : Generates SSH Key

    • cat ~/.ssh/ : Makes SSH Key Visible

  3. Give the File a Location:

  4. Right Click and Open GitBash in the Chosen Location : No Command Line Needed to get to the folders location

  5. I Entered the following Command Line

    • git clone : Cone my Docs locally

  6. 1st "Push" of Info.

    • git add . : Grabes Chanches in Files

    • git commit –m ‘description_of_changes’ : Name all the added changes

    • rm -f .git/index.lock : Had an error. This command line unlockes the Repository (Repository lockes to Stop Parallel commands that could edit the Repository)

    • git push : Updates the Repository on the Server

When you are ready to send your first “Push” (same goes to the future updates) make sure that the updates are less then 10mbs per “Push”. Otherwise, the commits that are sent are going to stay locally. This can create grater problems if you keep trying to sent a new commit without getting rid of the commits that stay locally. I had an unexpected problem, but fixed it with the help of a sequence of commands in Git Bash.

          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)
          $ git add .
          fatal: Unable to create 'C:/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan/.git/index.lock': File exists.

          Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g.
          an editor opened by 'git commit'. Please make sure all processes
          are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a git process
          may have crashed in this repository earlier:
          remove the file manually to continue.

          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)
          $ ^C

          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)
          $ rm -f .git/index.lock
          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)
          $ git add .
          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)
          $ git commit -m "week 1"
          [master e123469] week 1
           89 files changed, 19037 insertions(+), 1371 deletions(-)
           create mode 100644 docs/WEEK_1.html
           delete mode 100644 docs/about/
           delete mode 100644 docs/about/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           delete mode 100644 docs/assignments/
           create mode 100644 docs/contactform/readme.txt
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_footer.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_general.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_header.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_hero.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_nav.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_sections.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/_variables.scss
           create mode 100644 docs/css/style.css
           create mode 100644 docs/css/style.scss
           delete mode 100644 docs/images/avatar-photo.jpg
           delete mode 100644 docs/images/sample-photo.jpg
           delete mode 100644 docs/images/sample-pic-2.jpeg
           delete mode 100644 docs/images/week01/assignment-photo.jpg
           create mode 100644 docs/img/Assignment.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/CAD.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/EcoStudio_logo.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/Resources.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/Sketch_1_FP.jpg
           create mode 100644 docs/img/Software.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/Tutorial.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/Week_1.png
           create mode 100644 docs/img/hero-bg.jpg
           create mode 100644 docs/img/services-bg.jpg
           create mode 100644 docs/img/subscribe-bg.jpg
           create mode 100644 docs/index.html
           delete mode 100644 docs/
           create mode 100644 docs/js/custom.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/animate-css/animate.min.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/css/
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/bootstrap/js/npm.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/easing/easing.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/easing/easing.min.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/jquery/jquery.min.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/morphext/morphext.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/morphext/morphext.min.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/stickyjs/sticky.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/superfish/hoverIntent.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/superfish/superfish.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/superfish/superfish.min.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/wow/wow.js
           create mode 100644 docs/lib/wow/wow.min.js
           delete mode 100644 docs/projects/
           delete mode 100644 docs/projects/
          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)
          $ git push
          Enumerating objects: 84, done.
          Counting objects: 100% (84/84), done.
          Delta compression using up to 12 threads
          Compressing objects: 100% (77/77), done.
          Writing objects: 100% (82/82), 2.29 MiB | 534.00 KiB/s, done.
          Total 82 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
             5290631..e123469  master -> master
          Elias@Lenigan96 MINGW64 /c/Walter Elias Lenigan/FAB Foundation/Fab Academy/Fab_Academy_Web_Page/walter-lenigan (master)

Now I need a software to see and edit the HTML5 of the template I chose for my website.

I’ve decided to use Visual Studio Code because I already have experience with it. I really like it because it uses colors to separate different elements of the code. This made everything easier to understand and pinpoint the areas I needed to edit. After doing this I added some side notes to remember what I changed until I got used to what I was doing. I used Google Chrome to have a visual representation of what happened when I started editing the original code.