


Assignment 1


Principles and Practices /

Project management

“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.”


                                                                                   STEVE JOBS

Principles and Practices

Plan and sketch a potential final project

The project that I plan to develop is inspired by the wheel of fortune but it will be an interactive prize wheel for children at children's parties

Possible solution


The possible solution is a combination of wheels of fortune from both fair games and the mechanical game.


The idea is that the children line up and while the prize wheel spins, they try to score a ball to stop the wheel and where it stops that will be the prize of the child who scored.

Project management


work through a git tutorial

build a personal site in the class archive

describing you and your final project

To carry out the website our FAB Academy instructor Iván Hernández taught us the basic steps of the BlueGriffon program and the use of the FLICKR application for the image host. It was developed in a width of 950 pixels and we saw how to accommodate columns according to the design we chose.

I was complicated to plan it this way since I didn't know how to handle the program, so I chose to design each page separately in software that allowed me to insert images and texts, so I used power point and planned the page as if it were a sheet of presentation. Since the design was the way I wanted to, I started looking for images in an image bank called Getty images just for reference since I'm going to use the ones taken by me. In the Photoshop program I designed the icon that will be used to return to the index page with the institutional colors of the University and modeled in the cinema4D software the head top of this page as www.lmas.com whose meaning refers to the title of my project.

 Once I had several pages, our instructor told us about Adobe Muse software that we could also use to develop the Web Page, I started using it and it became easier since the interface is a combination between Adobe Photshop and Adobe Illustrator and as a designer I have used these software a lot.


 In the Muse program we export our page as html and it is saved in the folder C:\Users\Jose.Diaz\Dropbox\My PC (JDiaz)\Documents\web_joseantoniodiazr2022 and from here I copy all the files and replace them in the folder that is registered in git C:\Users\Jose.Diaz\jose-diaz

The commands used to upload updates to my website are:


$ cd jose-diaz

git add .

git pull

git commit - m "update"

git push