Jose Alegria - Fab Academy

Hogar con relleno sólidoCuadro de texto: ABOUTCuadro de texto: ASSIGNMENTSCuadro de texto: PROJECT

Embedded programming



-         Read the datasheet for your microcontroller.

-         Use your programmer to program your board to do something.



Compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures


What did I learn:

-         You must know what each of your microcontroller pins is able to do and what it is intended for (you are not going to use each of them and there are some that have two or more uses).

-         Once you programmed your board to be used with Arduino, the programming will be easier and you should not have any problems.


1st Step. Reading the datasheet

We are using the Atmel SAM D11 C14 Microcontroller for programming our boards, you can find the Datasheet in the following link:

SAMD11 Datasheet

For this assignment we should read and get the most important information out of the datasheet. For example, we must learn what do the pins do:

Interfaz de usuario gráfica

Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

We can also take this table to understand what it needs to work properly, and understand which mistakes could take us to damage the microprocessor:

Una captura de pantalla de una red social

Descripción generada automáticamente



2nd Step. Programming the board

To program the board I will be using the Arduino IDE for Windows. The process to program it to be able to receive instructions from Arduino was explained in the 07 - Electronics Design assignment.


3rd step. Programming processes

To send the program to my board I just needed to check a few parameters:

-         Select the board by selecting the following menus: Tools, Boards, MatterTech, Generic D11C14A

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación

Descripción generada automáticamente

-         Select the appropriate port by searching where your board is connected.

4th step. Code

For this assignment I designed a board that could turn on two different LEDs by pressing each button. For that, I modified a code from Adrián Torres (Leon, 2019) to allow it to work with the pins and configuration I created during the Electronics Design assignment.


const int ledPin1 = 2;//first light

const int buttonPin1 = 4;// first button pin

int buttonState1 = 0;//initial state of the button

const int ledPin2 = 8;//second light

const int buttonPin2 = 5;// second button pin

int buttonState2 = 0;//initial state of the button


void setup() { //declaration of inputs and outputs

pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT);

pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT);


void loop() {

buttonState1 = digitalRead(buttonPin1);// we read the state of the button

buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);

if (buttonState1 == HIGH) { //if we press the button

digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);


else {  //if we don't press the button

digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);


if (buttonState2 == LOW) { //if we press the button

digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);


else {  //if we don't press the button

digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);





Here is a video of the board working with this code:



This assignment importance was to learn what are the important things to follow in order to program a board.


Original Files

1.     Code file

Nueval Checklist

-         Linked to the group assignment page.

-         Documented what you have learned from reading a microcontroller datasheet.

-         Programmed your board.

-         Described the programming processes you used.

-         Included your source code

-         Included a short hero video of your board.