Task for this week wsa to comlete the final project and track the progress.

So as I finished my final project I'll answer these questions from this curent perspective.

What tasks have been completed and what tasks remain? What has worked? What hasn't?

This is the two part question but I'll put it like one because I think they are connected. All tasks have been completed and the final project is working fine. Now the only thing to do is to document my work and I'm doing it right now. 3D printing, laser cutting, PCB milling and programming...all that worked and was completed. The things that hasn't been completed and those things I removed because of the time and the deadlines, are connecting servo motors to the joints of the lamp and to put maybe more sensors for environment tracking. But all in all the project is looking and working good.

What questions need to be resolved?

Main question that I would like to know is, could this lamp help families in their homes, in some bright future. After all this is lamp that is reading the concentartion of methan in the environment. And also how it could be upgraded so we can get more from our home environment informations.

What will happen when?

Next thing to do is to maybe make more of tham and just to place them trough the house and to pull out the average value of methan in the housh hold and also try that in several homes.

What have you learned?

At the begining my time at the FabLab was only around the 3D printers and CAD softwares, but when I started with the Fabacadmy, I realized how little I knew about all outher skills in the FabLab. This was really great oportunity to get to know PCB dewelopement, milling, codding, laser cuting that I'm a great fan right now, and so on. Before I was really bad at soldering, but now after training my patience with soldering SMD components , I think I'm getting better and better. Also the great thing that I've leard is how to manage your time so you can finish everything that you need in time...unfortunately I've learned it too late, but now I know for some other tasks in my life :)

Extra explanations

Based on my experience I would deffinately plan my project differently. For example I would stick to one idea and push it from the begining to the final product. That also puls the question, which management tehnicques will I see in the future and that's for sure to plan my time better like I said before. Like whole FabAcademy, the weekly tasks should have it's own timtable for you so you can management your time perfectly. So for me I think that minimum of 4hours a day is okay for the FabAcademy, just to catch and learn all new stuff in time and in peace without stress. Final project is the task that tooks moste of your time, so it's great if you have the idea in the begining and work on your final trough the tasks because you'll have more time to improve the final. That is also the tehnique that I shoul stick to. At the final week for compliting the final I think that every segment of developement the final should have it's own two days. For example for CNC 2days, for 3D printing 2days, for developing PCB 2days and for programing and making all work 3days.