Project Management "Build your own website"

For this assignment we were asked to build our own website using whatever technology available, and then upload it to our our git lab that we got access from Fab Academy.

The Local Workshop

After Neil Gershenfeld online session, we had local session in the following day, where we were introduced to different parameters to build our website. The workshop was conducted by a local computer scientist who is working with the company that operates QBIC Fab Lab.

In the worksop we covered the following topics:

  1. 1. Introduction to HTML and CSS
  2. 2. Small example of how HTML work using w3schools platform
  3. 3. Where we can get free HTML templates and one example was Bootstrap platform
  4. 4. Introduction to Brackets software to edit the HTML templates
  5. 5. Introduction to Git Bash to link git lab to your computer
  6. 6. Introduction to Gimp to resize our pictures