Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
Week 18
For this week, we had one main task:
Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project
Prepare drafts of your summary slide and video clip and put them in your root directory
I believe in Issac Newton's statement: "If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants". My final project idea is inspired by and built on many other people's projects who shared their work openly through academic journals, as well as, hobbiests websites such as Instructables. Thus, I choose to distribute my project through a creative commons lisence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Other people can share and adapt my project:
Under the following terms:
Future Plans
I believe that my project still needs lots of work before children can use it. The product design needs further work for the robot to be less "creepy" and more inviting for children. I still also need to work on making the robot programmable by children which I couldn't achieve during Fab Academy due to time constrains.
On another note, this project made me realize how much I'm interested in robotics, social robotics in specific. And I'm thinking of working further on the project as an academic research.
I found several interesting research that I can build on, for example: Study on the design of DIY social robots . The study is focused on using democratizing social robotics for the public through building robotic modules that can be integrated and remixed freely giving the users the freedom to build their own "personal" robots.