As I mentioned in the previous week 11 that I incorporated the input with output in one board. However, here I will focus my explanation on the output only. I would like to use the neopixel RGB led in the final project, as I try how the RGB led works and connect it to the sensor.
My plan is to make the input and output in one board, so this is the schematic of the board here:
This board's schematic includes the output the RGB for this weeks assignment.
This is the pinout of the RGB led taken from this datasheet
This is the first board
I learned a trick from Hashim and Salama it is easy and quick way to connect all traces and thats by using jumpers as a bridge over traces.
Here is the code which I modified from Salama code so I changed the color code and pins regarding to my board.
So in the RGB LED the red colour is connected to pin 1 or D1 in attiny44, green to pin 0 or D0 and blue to pin 2 or D2 and "D" here means digital.
This chart or illustration helped me to figure out the number and its value as I began to choose colors by changing numbers and see if it has same color. for example (255, 0, 0) gives red color, (127, 255, 0) maroon color and etc...
The video shows the colors and shows the code used and you can also easily recognize it from the graphic as mentioned above.
This is the table from the datasheet which shows how we calculate to have the value of resistor.
Here is an example we did in the section which Hashim gave us. So the equation of calculating the resistor in the image.
So soldering the strip of neopixel and testing by arduino then my board.
Testing neopixel strip with Arduino Uno
The test of the output "neopixel" from my board, please do visit project development page to see more , week 20
I used the baord I made for final project and here is the code which I modified it from Salama code so I changed the colors and sensor code regarding to my board.