Assignment 2: Project Management

Part 1 Build a personal site describing you and your final project.
Part 2: Upload it to the class archive. Work through a git tutorial.
Part 3: Student Agreement.



Learning outcomes:

  • Explore and use website development tool(s).

  • Identify and utilise version control protocol(s)



Part 1: Build a personal site

For this part of the assignment I did some tests on the most suitable and versatile way to build my personal website.

I evaluated some of the most popular programs to create web pages. Most of these services are online and offer short free trial periods. Many of these services offer web templates to make the design process faster and more agile. They also offer direct connection to social networks and other web pages to create user communities. Some also offer a personalized guide for new users and a technical support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

For my personal web site I tried several options: create it only with html code, use web services like, look for already worked templates, etc.

Finally I decided to use the Adobe Dreamweaver program. This is a very friendly program since it allows me to visualize in parallel the html, css, java script code and the designer view.

Dreamweaver allows the construction of web pages in an orderly and sequential manner. The order of the contents can be worked directly with the html tags, the appearance of the web can be worked directly from the CSS code:

This website should have the following information: home page, page about the author, pages with the description of the assignments and a page about the final product. To achieve this, elaborate a basic structure of the site:

According to the structure of the website I decided to build first I built the homepage (index). I decided to place links to all assignments from the same home page. I decided that each assignment has a direct access from the main page. This access would be made up of a small box showing the name of the assignment, a representative photo on the theme of the assignment and a short summary of the work done. In the end, 21 small boxes were created for each assignment and for the final project.

Then I proceeded to build the presentation page. On my presentation page I placed a brief description of myself and the reasons why I decided to take the Fab Academy program. Then I put some images where I visited some companies and universities that do research on emerging technologies and their impact on society.

Finally I visualized the advance of the website in the browsers: Microsoft Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. I also checked the display of the pages on other devices such as smart phones and tablets.


Part 2: Upload it to the class archive

For this part of the assignment I first downloaded and installed the GIT program on my computer.

Git is a version control software designed by Linus Torvalds, thinking about the efficiency and reliability of maintaining application versions when they have a large number of source files. Its purpose is to keep track of changes in computer files and coordinate the work that several people perform on shared files.

The download of the program was made from the page: The downloaded version was: 2.16.1 for the 64 Bit Windows platform.

Later I installed the Git program in my computer:

I reviewed the basic GIT commands:

Create a new folder with the name "fabacademy" in the "D" drive on my computer. Then I opened the GitBash program

Then I generate a key to access the repository in Git Lab:

Then with the "git clone" command I generate a copy of the existing repository

Then I used the commands to upload the new contents to the repository: "git pull origin master", "git add *", "git commit -m" and "git push".

Part 3: Student Agreement

I am a Fab Academy student, responsible for:

  • Attending class lectures and participating in reviews.

  • Developing and documenting projects assigned to introduce and demonstrate skills.

  • Allowing the Fab Academy to share my work (with attribution) in the class for purposes compatible with its mission.

  • Honestly reporting on my work, and appropriately attributing the work of others.

  • Working safely.

  • Leaving workspaces in the same (or better) condition than I found them.

  • Participating in the upkeep of my lab

  • Ensuring that my tuition to cover local and central class costs is covered.

  • Following locally applicable health and safety guidance.

  • Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination.


Signed by committing this file in my repository,


Victor Vilca Borhani