Assignment 1: Principles and Practices
Plan a sketch a potential final project
Learning outcomes:
- Communicate an initial project proposal.
Have you:
- sketched your final project idea/s
- described what it will do and who will use it
As a final project of the fab academy 2018 I have thought about a project called "Delta Drone". Delta drone is a hybrid air device. It is a mix between delta wing and a drone. The objective of the project is to have an aereo device that has the ability to take advantage of air currents and stability for independent flight.
Delta Drome would have flight autonomy of up to 2 hours. For this I would use two batteries and the possibility of taking advantage of the air currents by planning. Delta Drone It would have incorporated a digital camera with a resolution of 4K (super HD). In addition Delta One could use flexible solar panels to store energy in mid-flight, this would allow it to remain in the air for much longer.
Delta Drome would have several ways to be used: to shoot landscapes, to cover public and private events, as a tool to teach children basic concepts of aeronautics and renewable energy, etc.
For the base design of Delta-Drone I used the Rhinoceros parametric design program in version 5.0 The base dimensions are long: 3 meters, width 1.5 meters. After drawing the base measurements, I proceeded to automate some of the design actions. For this I used the visual programming program Grasshopper. This program is a Rhinoceros plug-in.
To give structure to the lines, some components were used that will allow modifying the design in the future. The components have inputs and outputs. The drawing entries in the Rhinoceros program are connected to the Grasshopper program components
To guarantee Delta-Drome airborne suspension it will be necessary to carry out some tests taking into account the Bernoulli's principle.
The Bernoulli's principle is a seemingly counterintuitive statement about how the speed of a fluid relates to the pressure of the fluid. Link:
Image link:
Once the base measurements of the design structure were determined, I created a mesh to cover the design.
This is a draft of the design. I am going to improve the idea and the project according to the work schedule and the skills that I am acquiring in the Fab Academy 2018.
I consider that the assignments of the Fab Academy program are going to help me to make this project a reality:
Computer-Aided Design: It will help me design the Delta Drone parts in 2 dimensions and three dimensions.
Computer-Controlled Cutting: It's going to help me cut the fabric pieces from the wings of the Delta Drome.
Electronics Production: It will help me to manufacture the PCBs that control the flight and other functions of the Delta Drome.
3D Scanning and Printing: It will help me to manufacture custom parts in three dimensions necessary to assemble the internal structure of the Delta Drome.
Electronics Design: I'm going to help design the custom cards needed to control the functionalities and flight of the Delta Drome.
Computer-Controlled Machining: it will help me to cut the large pieces of the external structure and wings of the Delta Drome.
Input Devices: It will help me to use sensors to measure air pressure, flight height and other physical conditions to project the delta Drome flight.
Output Devices: It will allow me to run the motors and control the wings of the Deltra drome.