Intro Week

Principles and Practices

1- Plan and sketch a potential semester project.

Google Chrome, Sublime Text, Photoshop, Google Docs, Git

Project Management software
ProjectSheet for Google Sheets
In order to keep track of my progress throughout the program I have created a Gantt Chart. A Gantt Chart is a visualization tool to help plan and manage a project. There is free software available from many providers that allow you to input project information like schedules and timelines and it will link the data to provide the designer with dependency relationships between activities.

I will use it to monitor my progress during the Fab Academy for the 20 weeks.

I would like to make a device that can help me control the growing conditions for orchids.

Microbiology Incubatorsrange from about $150 - $2,500 from medical providers, but of the models I've seen they would not serve the purpose I need.

I did find an interesting lead, a 50cm x 50cm tile called a peltier device.

Combined with a heatsink and a fan, they are capable of generating electricity or temperature differences of as much as 15 degrees.

I began looking for projects that had been done already to see what I could learn.

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Fab Academy Student.
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Youtube projects for DIY cooler.
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Amazon ready-kits for $2,042.

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Bringing living projects into classrooms.
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BCGI - The world's largest plant conservation network.
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Alianza por el Millon.