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Input Devices

Week 11

Input devices..


Our tasks for this week are:

  • Group assignment: Probe an input device’s analog levels and digital signals
  • Individual assignment: Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it

Group Assignment

A link to our group documentation of a Hall effect sensor is here.

Individual Assignment

Input 1: Potentiometer

I used the cardio dev board I designed and fabricated in Week 8 to measure the readings from my little trimmer on the serial monitor.

The input was using a little screwdriver to physically rotate the trimmer that’s directly wired onto my board.

Code (Arduino IDE):

const int pot = 0;       //the potentiometer/trimmer is on pin 0 of my board

void setup() {
  pinMode(pot, INPUT); 


void loop() {
  int potValue = analogRead(pot);

Input 2: Piezoelectrode

I also connected a simple piezoelectrode to my dev cardio board to test how well it detected heart rate via a fingertip.


In the first tests there was a short that was occurring when I turned the trimmer. But with Adai’s help (thanks Adai!) we located the issue and after a quick and careful re-solder (did I mention how small that little trimmer is? I probably had too much solder on it originally) we were able to successfully get readings in the serial monitor!


I used the Arduino IDE to read the signal from the trimmer when I rotated it with the screw driver.

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