Processing is a Java based platform that allows you, by the help of some libraries, to make some drawings and simulations. You can take advantage of the design process, which is based on X, Y and Z coordinate system, to simulate and visualize data that you are collecting from a certain sensor.
To achieve that, you can simply replace the value of a certain coordinate with the value recieved from the sensor.
An example of what you can do with processing will be described bellow. What we did is mainly measure the distance using an Ultra-Sonic sensor, and converting the collected data into a graphical representation.
We first drew a traingle using 3 coordinate points. Next we changed one of the coordinates value into the value read from the Arduino Serial Monitor, where the measured distance is printed. Next we added a reference text to the left, to work as a legend, and make the visualisation easier.
The code that we used mainly reads the value from the serial monitor and replaces the value with the value of the coordinates system, thus giving a visualization of the collected data.
You can download the Processing code used using the following Link
You can download the Arduino code used using the following Link
So the process goes as the following:
Python is another coding language that could also be used to build and application that could send and receive data to a micro-controller, and thus control a system.
To be able to use python on my computer, i first downloaded PyCharm, and then i started testing it.
As a step one, i first tested some things you can do using Python, such as writing a Hello World code that prints "Hello World". Next I edited the code to be able to write some words based on an If condition. Also i tried counting from 1 to 100 and then back from 100 to 0, to make sure I learn most of the capabilities of Python.
You can download the used Python code using the following link
Next i wanted to test how to communicate with my board, mainly sending or recieving data from the board. To do that, i usd a simple code that would open a small window that has a button saying "Read" on it. Once this button is pressed, the code starts collecting data from the serial monitor of my board. The video represents how this code works.
You can download the used Python code using the following link
Out of curiousity, i wanted to test an interface that could connect to a microcontroller wirelessly. The simplest one that was easy to operate was the BLYNK app. I downloaded the app on an IOS operating system (iPhone) and i used it to controll a Micro-controller board that has an on board WIFI ESP 8266 module on board. I used the NodeMCU
To control the board wirelessly, the following procedure was followed:
In the individual assignment, we had to write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device that I made. I used the board that was contructed during the Inputs/Outputs weeks. All details could be found on the following link
And because the main gathered information I want using my robot is the Angular location and the Acceleration, i wanted to visualise the data gathered from the MPU-6050.
I performed some research online, and reached a point were i found a Processing code,on the following link, that converts the data collected from the sensor into visual data.
i performed some edits to the code, changing mainly the shape that represents the Robot I had in Mind.
The results are shown below.
To read the data from the MPU-6050, first i downloaded the MPU-6050 library from the following
Next find the example code "MPU6050_DMP6" that will read the data from your board.
This code has two different options that we can use. The first option is collecting readable Yaw Pitch Roll data. This is represented in the video. To do that, we have comment the line //#define OUTPUT_TEAPOT and uncomment out the line #define OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL
The other option is reading the Teapot data by commenting out the line #define OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL and uncommenting the line //#define OUTPUT_TEAPOT.
Using this code, the data gathered is not readable data, which reduces the memory needed to transfer data to other software. The gathered data can only be understood and interpreted by the help of software.
Next what i did is opened the Processing code I got from the link and then I changed the code used to fit the application of my robot.
Note that some edits were made on the code downloaded, mainly the visual looks of the body used. The main code is a bit complicated, so i did not change the basic lines that convert the read data into visual representation.